Kharchenko K.V. Information support for youth career guidance in the Russian Arctic regions: towards standardization of Web-resources. Human capital. 2021. No. 8. Pp. 61-70. Kharchenko K.V. Information support for youth career guidance in the Russian Arctic regions: towards standardization of Web-resources. Human capital. 2021. No. 8. Pp. 61-70.ISSN 2074-2029 DOI 10.25629/HC.2021.08.07РИНЦ: on site: 03.09.21 AbstractYouth career guidance is considered to be a sort of activity promoting the reproduction of personnel which is of a great relevance for the further development of the Russian Arctic. Though this macro-region has recently become a special governmental concern it still encounters the problem of exodus of working age population. Career guidance information support is to reflect the present-day non-classic and post-non-classic turn. These paradigms emphasize the possibility for the young people to construct various career trajectories from rather than make once-in-a-lifetime professional choice under the conditions of poly-subject milieu. The paper presents the results of analysis of the regional career guidance Web-sites representing the Russian Arctic. The criteria of the analysis are: the integration of various career guidance institutions; thrust of Web-sites design towards youth audience; adaptation of the Web content towards the information needs of various target groups; the ways of representation of the career guidance legislation and the results of the surveys in this sphere; the quality of interactive services. As a result of content and comparative analysis, taking into consideration the international experience, an approach for the designing of the Standard for the Best Career Guidance Web-Site is presented. In conclusion, it is stated that the quality of career guidance information support depends to large extent on the implementation of systematic approach in the course of organizing career guidance on the regional level.