Kanygin G., Kononova O. (2021) Conceptual Approach to Express Tacit Knowledge by Human–Machine Interactions. In: Zaramenskikh E., Fedorova A. (eds) Digital Transformation and New Challenges. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 45. Springer, Cham. https: ... Kanygin G., Kononova O. (2021) Conceptual Approach to Express Tacit Knowledge by Human–Machine Interactions. In: Zaramenskikh E., Fedorova A. (eds) Digital Transformation and New Challenges. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 45. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71397-3_5 ISBN 978-3-030-71396-6DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-71397-3_5Posted on site: 23.09.21 AbstractThe paper analyzes the problem of expressing tacit knowledge by participants in social processes interacting through ICT. This unsolved problem prevents organizing the human–machine interaction, which with due completeness and efficiency would take into account the vast social experience of people. The research question is how we can extract individual tacit knowledge and so formalize it? Answered this question, we could process information with ICT more meaningfully especially when humans need to team working. To solve the problem of expressing tacit knowledge by participants in social processes, we propose that any human within ICT would express his tacit knowledge by means of natural language. In this way, we preserve its essential role in social communication. However, the tacit knowledge should assume not the traditional form of a text stream, but structural view obtained by using special visual linking mechanism (VLM) associating natural language utterances. The paper examines the foundations of the introduction and structure of the VLM. How a person can apply the mechanism is explained through an example of the expression of tacit knowledge, functioning as part of human common ideas.Àâòîðû:,