Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Levashov V.K., Novozhenina O.P. II December socio-political readings - “How are you, Russia? The Russian social state and civil society in 2020: the implementation of national projects in a post-pandemic reality” (Moscow, December 10, 2020). Russian Foundation for Basic Research journal. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2021. No 2(104). Pp. 149-154. DOI 10.22204 ...

Levashov V.K., Novozhenina O.P. II December socio-political readings - “How are you, Russia? The Russian social state and civil society in 2020: the implementation of national projects in a post-pandemic reality” (Moscow, December 10, 2020). Russian Foundation for Basic Research journal. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2021. No 2(104). Pp. 149-154. DOI 10.22204/2587-8956-2021-104-02-149-154.
ISSN 2587-6090
DOI 10.22204/2587-8956-2021-104-02-149-154

Posted on site: 01.10.21

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 01.10.2021)


The paper presents the results of the II D ecem ber Socio-Political Readings — ‘How Are You, Russia?’ The Russian Social State and Civil Society in 2020: The Im plem entation of National Projects in a Post-Pandem ic Reality”. The National Research-to-Practice Conference with international participation was held by the Institute of Socio-Political Research and the Institute of D em ographic Studies of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Science of the Lom onosov M oscow State University and the Sociology D epartm ent of the Russian State University for the H umanities. The event was held in D ecem ber 2020 in face-to-face/remote form ats at the Institute of Socio-Political Research — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Readings were attended by the leading academics and young researchers of M oscow and regional research institutes and universities, as well as foreign scientists. The papers provided the analysis of current social, socio-political, social and cultural, dem ographic problem s w ithin the focus of academics, politicians, entrepreneurs, and civil society. The scientific discussion provided an opportunity to address and approve the best socio-political, and dem ographic m odels and developm ent patterns, considering the revealed COVID pandem ic factors.