Firsov M., Chernikova A. Russian Encapsulation Model In The Historical Context. The Scientific Heritage. 2021. No. 65-4. Pp. 66-69. URL: https: ... Firsov M., Chernikova A. Russian Encapsulation Model In The Historical Context. The Scientific Heritage. 2021. No. 65-4. Pp. 66-69. URL: 9215-0365 DOI 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-65-4-66-69 РИНЦ: on site: 12.10.21 AbstractThe article outlines the approaches to the peculiarities of programming and deprogramming by the ruling elites through the models of encapsulation of the mass consciousness of the population, outlines the landmarks and scenarios for the development of encapsulation of Russian society in the context of global challenges and problems. The analysis of encapsulation models was based on the approaches of K. Rennes. However, they are not limited only to individual intercultural interaction; they consider the interactions of social groups in a wider sociopolitical and geopolitical space. The article outlines the approaches to the peculiarities of programming and deprogramming by the ruling elites through the models of encapsulation of the mass consciousness of the population, outlines the landmarks and scenarios for the development of encapsulation of Russian society in the context of global challenges and problems.Авторы:Фирсов М.В.,