Rakhmonov A.K., Ryazantsev S.V. New directions of labor emigration from Tajikistan to OECD countries: forms and channels of emigration. In: Young scientists in the economy of the region: materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vologda, November 25-27, 2020-Vologda: FSBI VolSC RAS. P. 180-184. Rakhmonov A.K., Ryazantsev S.V. New directions of labor emigration from Tajikistan to OECD countries: forms and channels of emigration. In: Young scientists in the economy of the region: materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vologda, November 25-27, 2020-Vologda: FSBI VolSC RAS. P. 180-184.ISBN 978-5-93299-505-1DOI НЕТPosted on site: 18.10.21 AbstractAlthough at present the main traditional directions of labor emigration of Tajiks remain Russia and Kazakhstan, emigration from Tajikistan to OECD countries is becoming more noticeable. In the OECD countries, new communities of Tajiks are actively forming, which may become networks of attraction for new migrants in the near future. Recently, active emigration of Tajik citizens to new, previously practically undeveloped countries began. This circumstance was due to a number of reasons, including difficulties in Russia (the introduction of an exam on knowledge of the basics of the Russian language, history, statehood and the legal system, a decrease in income in dollar terms, the rigidity of migration policy, operational restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of migrant workers, not having legal grounds for obtaining a temporary residence permit or a residence permit, etc.).