Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Peshkova V.M. Transnational Childhood. Part I: The Review of Theoretical Approaches and Formulation of the Research Question. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2021. No. 4. P. 451–467. https: ...

Peshkova V.M. Transnational Childhood. Part I: The Review of Theoretical Approaches and Formulation of the Research Question. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2021. No. 4. P. 451–467. https://
ISSN 2219-5467
DOI 10.14515/monitoring.2021.4.1803

Posted on site: 19.10.21

Òåêñò ñòàòüè íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 19.10.2021)


The article focuses on the for- mulation of a research question and re- views main theoretical and methodolog- ical approaches to the study of the place and role of children in modern interna- tional migration. The concept of “children of migrants” covers not only those who came to a new country with their parents, but also those who remained in a send- ing country. This raises the question of how international migration to Russia affects the children of migrants “here” and “there”, how it transforms the un- derstanding and practices of childhood, and how it affects the migration of their parents and the migration situation in general. The theoretical framework for the study is anthropology and sociology of childhood. When studying children of migrants and their childhood, we em- phasize the need to proceed from the fact that like adults, children are active subjects of modern transnational migra- tion. In this regard, we propose to study the migrant children in the context of such a concept as “transnational child- hood”. The article overviews the follow- ing research on children in the context of international migration: studies of generations, structural characteristics of childhood in the context of migration, The article focuses on the for- mulation of a research question and re- views main theoretical and methodolog- ical approaches to the study of the place and role of children in modern interna- tional migration. The concept of “children of migrants” covers not only those who came to a new country with their parents, but also those who remained in a send- ing country. This raises the question of how international migration to Russia affects the children of migrants “here” and “there”, how it transforms the un- derstanding and practices of childhood, and how it affects the migration of their parents and the migration situation in general. The theoretical framework for the study is anthropology and sociology of childhood. When studying children of migrants and their childhood, we em- phasize the need to proceed from the fact that like adults, children are active subjects of modern transnational migra- tion. In this regard, we propose to study the migrant children in the context of such a concept as “transnational child- hood”. The article overviews the follow- ing research on children in the context of international migration: studies of generations, structural characteristics of childhood in the context of migration, The article focuses on the for- mulation of a research question and re- views main theoretical and methodolog- ical approaches to the study of the place and role of children in modern interna- tional migration. The concept of “children of migrants” covers not only those who came to a new country with their parents, but also those who remained in a send- ing country. This raises the question of how international migration to Russia affects the children of migrants “here” and “there”, how it transforms the un- derstanding and practices of childhood, and how it affects the migration of their parents and the migration situation in general. The theoretical framework for the study is anthropology and sociology of childhood. When studying children of migrants and their childhood, we em- phasize the need to proceed from the fact that like adults, children are active subjects of modern transnational migra- tion. In this regard, we propose to study the migrant children in the context of such a concept as “transnational child- hood”. The article overviews the follow- ing research on children in the context of international migration: studies of generations, structural characteristics of childhood in the context of migration, The article focuses on the formulation of a research question and reviews main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the place and role of children in modern international migration. The concept of “children of migrants” covers not only those who came to a new country with their parents, but also those who remained in a sending country. This raises the question of how international migration to Russia affects the children of migrants “here” and “there”, how it transforms the understanding and practices of childhood, and how it affects the migration of their parents and the migration situation in general. The theoretical framework for the study is anthropology and sociology of childhood. When studying children of migrants and their childhood, we emphasize the need to proceed from the fact that like adults, children are active subjects of modern transnational migration. In this regard, we propose to study the migrant children in the context of such a concept as “transnational childhood”. The article overviews the following research on children in the context of international migration: studies of generations, structural characteristics of childhood in the context of migration, The article focuses on the formulationof a research question and reviewsmain theoretical and methodologicalapproaches to the study of the placeand role of children in modern internationalmigration. The concept of “childrenof migrants” covers not only those whocame to a new country with their parents,but also those who remained in a sendingcountry. This raises the question ofhow international migration to Russiaaffects the children of migrants “here”and “there”, how it transforms the understandingand practices of childhood,and how it affects the migration of theirparents and the migration situation ingeneral. The theoretical framework forthe study is anthropology and sociologyof childhood. When studying children ofmigrants and their childhood, we emphasizethe need to proceed from thefact that like adults, children are activesubjects of modern transnational migration.In this regard, we propose to studythe migrant children in the context ofsuch a concept as “transnational childhood”.The article overviews the followingresearch on children in the contextof international migration: studies ofgenerations, structural characteristicsof childhood in the context of migration, practices of upbringing in transnational social contexts, sharing of parental responsibilities, the maintenance of family ties and arranging care at a distance, the impact of resettlement on well-being of migrant families, as well as education and integration of migrant children into a recipient society. The article is the first part of a paper devoted to transnational childhood in Russia. Its second part is scheduled for publication in one of next issues of the journal and presents the results of a field study on the role and place of children in migration from Central Asia to Russia.