Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Semenov E.V. Science for Russia: the contours of a mature scientific and technological policy. In: Russia: Trends and development prospects. Yearbook. Iss. 16: Materials of the XX National Scientific Congress with International Participation “Modernization of Russia: priorities, problems, solutions”. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ed. by V.I. Gerasimov. Moscow. 2021, P I. P. 882-886.

Semenov E.V. Science for Russia: the contours of a mature scientific and technological policy. In: Russia: Trends and development prospects. Yearbook. Iss. 16: Materials of the XX National Scientific Congress with International Participation “Modernization of Russia: priorities, problems, solutions”. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ed. by V.I. Gerasimov. Moscow. 2021, P I. P. 882-886.
ISBN 978-5-248-00995-4

Posted on site: 03.11.21

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The last three decades of controversial science and technology policy have led to its multiple reduction, significant disorganization and qualitative degradation, but still not to complete zeroing. Science is still the most valuable national resource, leaving hope for the revival of the country as technologically advanced by world standards.  For national revival, the country needs a fundamental change in the way of using science and the very attitude towards it, which means: a change in the social status and role of science in economics, management, medicine, education, and culture. To become modern in the full sense of the word and capable of providing a technological breakthrough, domestic science requires deep internal changes, including, first of all, its disciplinary and official structure, human resources, material and technical infrastructure and information environment, management system and organization of research. Domestic science also requires the preservation of the national scientific language, finding its historically verified correlation with the global language of modern science. The last three decades of controversial science and technology policy have led to its multiple reduction, significant disorganization and qualitative degradation, but still not to complete zeroing. Science is still the most valuable national resource, leaving hope for the revival of the country as technologically advanced by world standards. For national revival, the country needs a fundamental change in the way of using science and the very attitude towards it, which means: a change in the social status and role of science in economics, management, medicine, education, and culture.To become modern in the full sense of the word and capable of providing a technological breakthrough, domestic science requires deep internal changes, including, first of all, its disciplinary and official structure, human resources, material and technical infrastructure and information environment, management system and organization of research. Domestic science also requires the preservation of the national scientific language, finding its historically verified correlation with the global language of modern science.