Belikova M. V., Latinov G. I. Problems of gender education in modern Russian and Chinese society: comparative analysis. In: International Demographic Forum Demography and Global challenges ... Belikova M. V., Latinov G. I. Problems of gender education in modern Russian and Chinese society: comparative analysis. In: International Demographic Forum Demography and Global challenges /ed. by Doctor of Economics, prof. N.V. Yakovenko. - Voronezh: Digital Polygraphy, 2021. P. 923-928.ISBN 978-5-907283-71-8Posted on site: 10.11.21 AbstractIn the modern cultural world, gender policy on the part of the state is of great importance, as well as awareness in society of the role and importance of gender education in shaping the worldview of a modern person. The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of some aspects of gender education and upbringing in Russia and China using materials of research and general cultural orientation.