Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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1. Foreign regional studies (Eurasian studies): Russia and the countries of the Black Sea-Caspian region: textbook / resр. еd. Y.G. Volkov. - M.; Rostov on/D: Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2013. - 528 p.

2. Politleksikon: concepts, facts and interrelations: on the basis of German compendium Shubert / Klein. Das Politiklexicon / translation from German by Valerij P. Ljubin, Maria A. Yelizaryeva; General Editors Valerij P. Ljubin and Reinhard Krumm; scientific Editors Sergei Patrushev, Lyudmila Filippova. - Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopaedia, 2013. - 783 pages: ill.

3.  Volkov Y.G., Barbashin M.Y., Barkov F.A., Kramarova E.N., Serikov A.V., Khachetsukov Z.M. Formation of social identity of the creative class in modern Russia. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house MART, 2013.- 210 p.

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