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Analysis of the Measurement of Scientific Novelty in the Abstracts of Master’s Theses. Research Result. Sociology and Management, 2017, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp. 29-34. 6. Kolomiecz V.K. (2017) Anna Kuliscioff. Il socialismo e la cittadinanza della donna. [s.l.]: Agra Editrice, 2015, 304 p. 7. Semikolennykh M.V. George of Trebizond's Apocalypticism as a Strategy for Marginalization of the Platonic Heritage. Studia Culturae. Nî. 32 (2). 2017. P. 137-159. 8. The Aspect of Inter-Ethnic Tension in the Social Differences of the Russians // Ethnos and Society in the Context of Interethnic Relations: materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Krasnodar, 2017. P. 219-235. 9. Tikhonov A.V. Chapter 2. Atlas of modernization of Russia and its regions as a methodological prerequisite for the study of the problems of reforming the power-management vertical. In: Russia: reforming of the power-management vertical in the context of problems of sociocultural modernization of the regions / a. v. tikhonov (resp. ed.), moscow: fnisc ras - 2017 – P. 25-31. 10. Senina T.A. (nun Kassia). Athens Versus Jerusalem? The Attitude Towards Scientific Knowledge in Byzantium. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seri y a 4, Istori y a. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheni y a [Science J ournal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2017, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 192-204 (in Russian). DOI: 11. Dmitriev V. A. Akhiezer A. S. Elitology culture: the cultural elite of Russia in the XX century. Encyclopedic dictionary. Ed. house Astrakhan University, 2017. P. 33-34. 12. Stroganova E.D. The flight of German Nazis after the Second World War II and their activities in South America. In: Phenomenon of World Wars in the History of the Twentieth Century [Text]: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 11-12, 2017) / Rare: AA Bogdashkin (Ed.), Etc. Voronezh: -poligraphic center Scientific Book, 2017. P. 363-374 13. Potashinskaya N.N. The poverty in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. Bereginya.777.Sova. Scientific journal // Ch. Editor - Professor RG Gostev, deputy head of the department. - Professor Ye. P. Belozertsev, Professor G.K. Safaraliev, Professor D.V. Liventsev. - M. Euroschool. Voronezh: JSC Voronezh Regional Printing House. No. 2 (33). P. 88-101 14. Biizhanova E.K. Border security in the North Caucasus Region: the opinion of experts // Humanitarian and socio-political problems of modernization of the Caucasus. Collection of scientific articles of the V International conference. Magas: Izdatel'stvo OOO Kep, 2017. P. 32-38. 15. Nina N. Tsvetaeva. BIOGRAPHICAL NARRATIVES OF SOVIET PERIOD: LOGIC OF LIFE AND LOGIC OF IDEOLOGY 16. Buddhism and the Modern World. Review of the collection of articles “Buddhist culture: history, source studies, philology and art: the Sixth Dorjiev Readigs” / ed. by A. O. Boronoev. – St. Petersburg: Giperion, 2015. – 432 p. Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of SB RAS, 2017, ¹2(26). Pp. 174-179. 17. Andreev A.L. In the genre of sociological portrait. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol. 87, ¹ 10, pp. 898 - 904. 18. Silin A.N. Shift Method in Oil and Gas Sector: Experience of Sociological Support. Vestnik VEGU, 2017, ¹ 4(90), pp.111-118. 19. Vector of social mobility of the second generation of owners of large businesses in Russia: reproduction and continuity 20. Zelenko B. I. The Rule of social and political realities of Russia. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P. 82-97. 21. Bineeva N.K., Denisova G.S., Voitenko V.P., Khachetsukov Z.M. Interaction of authorities with scientific organizations in the process of regulation of interethnic relations in the South of Russia. SEARCH: Politics. Social studies. Art. Sociology. Culture: a scientific and socio-cultural journal, 2017, ¹4., pp.25-37 22. Chirikova, A. E, Ledyaev, V. G. Governance in Russian Town [Text] / A. E. Chirikova, V. G. Ledyaev ; National Research University Higher School of Economics. — Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2017. — 416 pp. — 500 copies. — ISBN 978-5-7598-1579-2 (hardcover). — ISBN 978-5-7598-1657-7 (e-book). 23. Rusakova I.V. Influence of demographic processes on the number of neglected animals in Russian cities. Petersburgian Sociology Today, 2017, pp. 73-90. 24. Biyzhanova E.K. Influence of the caucasian national and ethnic communities on the sociocultural portrait of the region (on the example of diasporas and associations). In: The collection of scientific articles of Institute of social researches of INGGU / Editor-in-chief Sampiyev I.M. Nazran: OOO KEP, 2017. P. 95-108. 25. Divisenko K. S., Divisenko O.V. Influence of Confessional Belonging and Enchurchment on the Life Satisfaction of Believers. Vestnik SPbSU. Sociology, 2017, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 99–114. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu12.2017.107 26. Proshkova Z.V. Influence of family on educational and professional routes of children. In: Management of development of professional competence of the personality: in 2 vol./ Ed. by Isaeva N. I., Mamatova S. I., Belgorod: Belgorod state institute of culture and arts, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 293-296. 27. Bystrova A.S. The influence of the social context on the construction of career trajectories: careers of representatives of different political generations of administrative elites in the Russian Federation. In: Power and Elites / Ed. by A. Bystrova, A. Duka, D. Tev. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2017. P. 199-221. 28. Aksenova O.V. The influence of traditions on Russian society perception of innovations. In: Asymmetric life of modern Russian society: ratio of traits and innovations [monograph]/ [Aksenova O., Levchenko N, etc.]; ed. Aksenova O.; iSRAS. – digital text (3,01 Mb). – M.: 2017, 207 p. P. 6-32, CD-ROM. URL: id=1198&id=5084 Next → 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   16