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In: Municipal formations of Russian regions: problems of research, development and management: materials of the V All-Russian interdepartmental scientific and practical conference with international participation (Voronezh, November 10-12, 2022) / Under total edited by R.E. Rogozina. - Voronezh: Digital Polygraphy Publishing House, 2022. P. 189-191. 505. Tikhonova N.E. General and specific in the changes in the socio-economic situation of different population groups in the context of anti-Russian sanctions. In: Russian society and the challenges of time. Book Six / FCTAS RAS, Institute of Sociology. Ed. by M.K. Gorshkov and N.E. Tikhonova. Moscow: Publishing House Ves Mir, 2022. P. 61-94. 506. Zubok Yu.A., Chankova E.V. Youth communication: sociocultural features expectations. Social’nye i gumanitarnye znanija. 2022. Vol. 8, No 2. P. 178-189. DOI 10.18255/2412-6519-2022-2-178-189. 507. Velikaya, N.M. (2022). “Public legitimation of political power in the context of civil society transforming in modern Russia”, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “Philosophy. Sociology. Art Studies” Series, no. 2, pp. 59–71, DOI: 10.28995/2073-6401-2022-3-59-71 508. Veber A.B. Society and nature: the transformed interactions and evolution of interpretations. Vek Globalizatsii [Age of Globalization], 2022, No. 2, pp. 70-85. 509. Babich N.S., Batykov I.V. (2022). Consumer society and social development: Modeling statistical relationships. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 15(5), 189–202. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2022.5.83.10 510. Rostovskaya T. K., Suleimanly A. D., Gnevasheva V. A., Tolmachev D. P. Loneliness in the pandemic: Country overview. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, ðð. 17–22 (in Russian). 511. Dobrokhleb V.G. Life expectancy in modern Russia as a component of the qualitative potential of the population. Social space. 2022. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 1-14. DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.3.35.1 512. Alikperova N.V Life expectancy of the population: the role of self-preserving behavior. Self-management. 2022. No. 4 (132). Pp. 170-174. – EDN XRWLUU. 513. Vartanova M.L. Optimization of communications between labor market service infrastructure facilities. Natural sciences and humanities research. 2022. No. 43 (5). Pp. 53-58. 514. Mishchenko A. S. The experience of studying the socio-ecological situation in small mono-industrial cities of Russia. St. Petersburg Sociology today. 2022. No. 18. Pp. 69-85. 515. Gadzhimuradova, G. I. (2022), “Experience of integration of specialists-migrants in Finland and the possibility of its use in Russia”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 8 (4), 117-125. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-1-0. 516. Demidenko S.Yu. Experience of typologization of NEET-youth based on a case study. In: Self-regulation in the youth environment: typologization and modeling : monograph / Yu. A. Zubok, O. A. Alexandrova, M. B. Bulanova [et al.] ; under the general editorship of Yu. A. Zubok ; FNISTC RAS. – Belgorod: Epicenter, 2022. Pp. 135-142. 517. Saveliev, I. A. (2022), “Organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of strategic documents in the context of socio-economic and socio-cultural differences between regions”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 8 (4), 159-171. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-1-3 518. Besschetnova O.V., Volkova O.A., Aliev S.I. Organization of education for children undergoing long-term treatment. Problems of social hygiene, healthcare and the history of medicine. 2022. Vol. 30. No. 5. Pp. 876-884. DOI: 519. Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N. The Presentation of Family and Demographic Policy in the Media: Results of the All-Russian Study. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2022, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 236-248. (in Russian). DOI: 520. Lyalikova S., Karpova V. (2022) Main Issues Of Family Education: Results Of Sociological Research. Sociology. No. 2. Pp. 143-153. 521. Firsov M.V., Lelchitsky I.D., Chernikova A.A., Ivleva S.A. The main trends in the development of social work in the period of postmodernization: dynamics from 2004 to 2019. Bulletin of the Tver State University. Series: Pedagogy and psychology. 2022. No. 4 (61). Pp. 141-150. 522. Egorychev A.M., Rostovskaya T.K., Akhtyan A.G. Fundamentals of the traditional Russian family: origins, features, prospects. CITISE. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 268-282. DOI: 523. Ilyicheva M.V., Tomashevsky K.O. Features of the information agenda in the youth and news communities of the VKontakte network during the election campaigns of 2021-2022. Socio-political sciences. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 5. Pp. 47-53. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2022-12-5-47-53 524. Rostovskaya T.K., Egorychev A.M. Features of intergenerational views on the formation of ideas about family roles // CITISE. — 2022. — No. 1. — pp. 170-186. DOI: 525. Galkin K.À. (2022) The Features of Young Rural Doctors’ Motivation during COVID-19. Mir Rossii, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 115–135 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2022-31-3-115-135 526. Rostovskaya, T.K., Kuchmaeva, O.V. and Bezverbnaya, N.A. (2022), “Features of the attitude to assisted reproductive technologies in Moscow. Analysis of the All-Russian sociological research”, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “Philosophy. Sociology. Art Studies” Series, no. 1, part 3, pp. 412–423, DOI: 10.28995/2073-6401-2022-1-412-423 527. Galkin K.A., Protasenko T.Z. Features of the COVID-19 pandemic experience in the informants’ diary storytelling. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2022. Issue 17. Pp. 26-42. 528. Kozyreva, P. M., Smirnov, A. I. (2022). Peculiarities of behavior of elderly people in the conditions of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Social Sciences. 2 (847), 159–167. 10.52070/2500-347X_2022_2_847_159 529. Galkin K.A. Features of everyday life of older people in Karelian villages during the coronavirus restrictions. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2022, issue 2, pp. 329–338 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2022-2-329-338 530. Allakhverdiyeva. L.M., Gasparishvili. A.T. Features of the use of new digital technologies in the system of inclusive education. Sotsialno-gumanitarnyye znaniya. 2022. No. 3. Pp. 272-280. 531. Osadchaya G.I., Vartanova M.L. Features of the implementation of demographic policy in Russia and the CIS countries during the period of socio-economic transformation. Social policy and Sociology. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 1(142). Pp. 132-139. 532. Galkin K.A. Features of Social Inequalities in the Health of Older People in Russia and Europe: Research Review. Nomothetika: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 2022, 47(1): 14–22 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2712-746X-2022-47-1-14-22 533. Features of the bodily experience of experiencing a pandemic by elderly residents in St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk. Medical Anthropology and Bioethics. 2022. No. 1(23). Pp. 10-20. 534. Bobkov V.N., Dolgushkin N.K., Odintsovo E.V. Features of the standard of living of urban and rural socio-demographic groups. AIC: economics, management. 2022. No. 5. Pp. 70-82. 535. Ermolaeva Yu.V. Features of the formation of the policy of sustainable development of the labor market in Russia in the context of the BRICS countries. Theories and problems of political research. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4A. Pp. 177-187. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2022.92.97.020 536. Shulepin M.V.,, Voronov V.V. Features of the functioning of additional professional education in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the issues of students of training courses. Monitoring of law enforcement, 2022. No. 1 (42). Ðp. 69-78. DOI:10.21681/2226-0692-2022-1-69-78 537. Podvoyskiy D.G. “Dangerous modernity!”, or the shadow play of modernity and its characters: Instrumental rationality - money - technology (Part 2). RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2022. Vol. 22. No. 1. Pp. 40-57. 538. Konstantinovskiy, D. L., & Popova, E. S. (2022). From the Perception of Social Changes towards Social Behavior Change. Universe of Russia, 31(1), 6-24. 539. Tsepilova O. Ot institucionalizacii k politizacii: sravnitel’nyj analiz vozniknoveniyai razvitiya zelyonyh partij Zapadnoj Evropy i politicheskogo kryla zelenogodvizheniya Rossii [From institutionalization to politicization: a comparative analysisof the emergence and development of Green parties in Western Europe and thepolitical wing of the Green Movement in Russia], Vlast’ i elity [Power and Elites],2022, 9 (2): 96–121. (in Russian) Next → 1   ... 5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   23