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The Actual Conditions of Life and Adaptation Strategies of Women Young and Old Ages: a Comparative Analysis. Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Åconomics. Politics, 2019, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 81-93. 655. Naydenko V.N. Factors of interethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 707—721. 656. Karpuhin O.I. The phenomenon of cultural policy of Russia in the context of its historical development. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2019, issue 1, pp. 232-251. 657. Malinov A. ‘Philosophy of history’ of L.P. Karsavin and the tradition to teach the philosophy of history in St. Petersburg university. Solovyov Studies, 2019, 2 (62): 193-206. 658. Pronina E.I. The formation of citizenship, patriotism and historical memory in the public consciousness of today's high school students. In: Theory and practice of social development in the light of modern scientific knowledge: collection of materials of the III International Scientific Conference, Kraskovo, 25 Apr. 2019 - M .: Pero; Kraskovo: Humanitarian and Social Institute, 2019. P. 467-469. 659. Vozmitel A. A. The formation of the society of «trauma» in tuday’s Russia. Konfliktologia, 2019, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 121-145. 660. Pronina E.I. Formation of healthy lifestyle values (based on a survey of youth and adolescents). In: Theory and practice of social development in the light of modern scientific knowledge: collection of materials of the III International Scientific Conference, Kraskovo, 25 Apr. 2019 - M .: Pero; Kraskovo: Humanitarian and Social Institute, 2019. P. 326-329. 661. Braslavsky R. G. Khlebnikov Nikolai Ivanovich. In: Sotsiologiya Rossii v litsakh: istoriya i sovremennost. Entsiklopedicheskoye izdanie [Sociology of Russia in Persons: History and Contemporaneity. Encyclopedic Edition]. Ed. by Academician M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2019. P. 82-83. 662. Byzov L.G. The value evolution of the Putin consensus in the first year of the last presidential term. Social Sciences and modernity, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 42-56. 663. Kuriukn A.N. The value complexes of legal awareness in context of new challenges For Russian society. Social and political sciences, 2019, Issue 1(35), pp. 9-19. 664. Trofimova I.N. The value of education in the context of changes in the life priorities of Russians. In: Social transformations and the transformation of sociology: the main challenges. Towards the 90th anniversary of Vladimir Yadov. International Ñonference (Moscow, Russia, 28-30, November 2019)/ ed. M.K.Gorshkov; M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. P. 686-688. 665. Maslovskiy M.V. Civilizational discourse of the Russian political elite in the context of interpretations of modernity. Vlast' i elity [Power and Elites], 2019, 6 (1), pp. 15-31. 666. Zemnukhova L., Rudenko N., Sivkov D. Digital Urban Studies: Collaboration Problems with Patterns of Coordination. Sociological Review, 2019, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 107–129 667. Rebellious Man, be Visible, or Perish! Visualization of the Semantics of Protest Communication in social Networks. ΠΡΑΞΗMΑ. Journal of Visual Semiotics, 2019, Issue 4 (22), pp. 36-59. 668. Shchenina O.G. Network man in political communities. Socio-political research, 2019, No. 4(5), pp. 24-35. 669. Silin A.N., Yudashkin V.A. Human and social potential of small cities in the Russian Arctic. In: Small cities in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [A. Y. Ardalyanova, P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky, etc.]; Rel. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. Pp. 209-224. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7796 670. Tikhonova N.E., Karavay A.V., Latova N.V. Human Capital of Russian Blue Collars: State, Changes over Time, Factors. Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal, 2019, Issue 4 (97), pp. 39-47. 671. Pronina E.I., Grishaeva N.P. The school and its role in the socialization of high school students in the context of the modernization of the education system. Primo aspectu, 2019, issue 2 (38), pp. 21-27. 672. Toshchenko Zh.T. The evolution of the meanings of labor: current state and future benchmarks. In: The Future of work: global challenges and regional development : collection of articles of the International Forum Future of work: decent work for all (Ufa,February 4-5, 2019) / ed. by Baimurzina G.R., Valiakhmetov R.M. Ufa: Mir Pechati, 2019. P. 61-64. 673. Ivanova L.Yu. The environmental culture in the Russian society as a condition for building eco-consciousness and behavior of the younger generation. Economic and Social Changes: facts, Trends, Forecast, 2019, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 189-201. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2019.1.61.11 674. Basheva O.A. Environmental policy and civic participation in Moscow and Kazan. Scholars of the note of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology. Special edition, 2019, No 1, pp. 11–14. 675. Shirokalova G.S., Kukonkov P.I. Ecology: from the Problem Awareness to the Practices of Everyday Life. Philosophy of Economy, 2019, issue 3, pp. 201-221. 676. Examination of social stress forecasting and warning system of social destruction. In: Conflictology of the XXI Century. Ways and Means of Peace Building: Materials of III St Petersburg International Congress of Conflictologists. St Petersburg, 15–16 November 2019. — StPb., “Fund of Conflictology’ Development”, 2019. P. 185-187. DOI 10.31312/978-5-6043166-1-0; ISBN 978-5-6043166-1-0 677. Ermolarva P.O., Basheva O.A. Electronic Forms of Interaction Between the State and the Civic Society. Electronic Economic Newsletter of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2019, Issue 2, pp. 40-45. 678. Grigoreva K.S. Is Ethnic Discrimination a Matter of Common Sense in the Fight against Crime and Terrorism?. Sotsiologicheskoe obozrenie, 2019, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 107-139. 679. Ryzhova S.V. Ethnic Solidarity and Trust in the Republic of Tatarstan. INAB, 2019, No. 1, Interethnic Relations in the Republics of the Russian Federation: the example of Tatarstan and Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, pp. 38-49. 680. Tikhonova N. E., Karavay A. V. (2019) Ethno-confessional tension in Russian society: an empirical test of a measurement method. Mo ni to ring of Pub lic Opi ni on : Eco no mic and So cial Chan ges.No. 4. P. 130—152. Next → 1   ... 5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   17