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Sociology of social forms: theory reassembly: [monograph] / I. A. Shmerlina; FNISC RAS. - M.: FNISTs RAN, 2022. - 157 p. URL: 854. Bogdanov V.S., Lenkov R.V. Sociology of management as a branch scientific discipline: modern priorities, objectivity and development prospects. In: Scientific results of Sociology 2021: collection of articles based on the materials of the I International Scientific Online Forum, February 16-18, 2022 / ed. I.S. Shapovalova. - Belgorod: EPICENTRE LLC, 2022. P. 43-52. 855. Malyshev M.L., Tretiakova L.A. Sociological statistical monitoring in the regional healthcare management system. Monitoring of law enforcement. 2022. No 3(44). P. 74-82. 856. Popova R.I., Toksanbaeva M.S. The specifics of the reproduction of labor potential in budgetary healthcare organizations. In: Incomes, Expenses and Savings of the Russian Population: Trends and Prospects. Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, November 30, 2021). / Rep. ed. A.V. 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Comparative characteristics of the quality of informal and official employment in the formal economy of the Russian Federation and its impact on the standard of living of workers and their households. In: Labor relations in the conditions of development of non–standard forms of employment: monograph / edited by N.L. Lyutov, N.V. Chernykh - Moscow: Prospect, 2022. P. 191-205. 862. Demyanenko V.I. Comparative analysis of the concept of subjectivity in the context of three paradigms of complexity of social management // Personality. Culture. Society. 2022. Vol. 24. No. 2 (114). P. 132-142. DOI: 10.30936/1606_951X_2022_24_2_132_142 863. Nikiforov S.V. Comparative Analysis of the Development of Ethnopolitical Systems of Korean and Japanese Civilization in the Subsystem of International Relations of Northeast Asia. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 (2022) => 182-187. 864. Aleshkovskiy I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Krukhmaliova O.V., Narbut N.P., Savina N.E. 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Digital sociology. 2022. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 88–96. DOI: 10.26425/2658-347X-2021-5-3-88-96 869. Galkin K.A. Communication strategies for older people in online health communities. The context of self-care. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science. 2022;28(3):194-219. 870. Geger, A.E., Lyashko, S.V., Klyuev, A.V., Saganenko, G.I. (2022). Practices of Protest in the Conditions of the Developing Academic Capitalism. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia. Vol. 31, no. 8-9, pp. 27-40, doi: 10.31992/0869-3617-2022-31-8-9-27-40 (In Russ., abstract in Eng.). 871. Lisichkin V.A., Tskhovrebov E.S., Prokhotsky Y.M. (2021) Strategy of environmentally oriented scientific and technical policy. Competence. No. 9-10. Pp. 32-41. 872. Pevnaya, M. V., Shuklina, E. A., Kienko, T. S., Tarasova, A. N., Andrianova, E. V., Khudyakova, M. V., Shapovalova, I. S. 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Subjectivity in solving the problems of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (based on remote analysis of open sources of the Internet). Research Result. Sociology and management. Vol. 8. ¹ 4. 2022. P. 126-147 DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-1-1. 877. Maslovskaya E.V. Legal Translation: Professional Activities at the Periphery of the Juridical Field. Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2022. Vol. 9. No. 2. Pp. 65-74. Doi: 10.17816/RJLS105185 878. Ivanova L.Yu., Rybakova M.V. The fate of the first Soviet diplomats in the mirror of changing epochs. The International affairs. 2022. No. 7. Pp. 128-132. 879. Aristov, S., Vasilyev I., Matskevich, M., and Edelstein M.The Fates of Resistance Participants in the Postwar Decades. In: Resistance of Soviet POWs in Nazi Concentration Camps and Extermination Centers: History and Memory. 2022. P. 169-210. 880. Latov Yu.V. Does an enquiry for socialistic changes exist in Russia? 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Theoretical interpretation of the concept of «demographic security» and making managerial decisions to ensure national security // Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2022; 15(4): 158–170. (In Russ.). 885. Nikiforov S.V. Theoretical Aspects of the Formation of the Legal Culture of a Future International Lawyer in the Process of Studying at a University. Scientific notes of the Orel State University. 2022. No. 4(97). Pp. 289-292. EDN IHLZLM. 886. Grigorieva I.A., Petukhova I.S. Theoretical Approach «Aging-In-Place» and the Possibility of its Popularization in Russia. Advances in Gerontology. 2022. Vol. 35. No. 5. Pp. 662-667. 887. Chernozub O.Theory of (Un)Planned Behavior? How our behavioral predictions suffer from “unplanned” actions. Russian Sociological Review. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 82-105. 888. Odintsovà E.V. Testing of social groups of Russian society on the introduction of unconditional basic income: some results. 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