Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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51. Tatiana Kozloa,Olga Krasnova. Senior Generation:gender and social-psichological aspects.-Saarbrucken, Deuchland. Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2015.

52. Tradition, Solidarity and Sociological Theory. Sekected Texts. Moscow: Novyi Khronogaf, 2015. 496 p.

53. Gasparishvili A. (Scientific editor), Alisov N., Isaev A., Onosov A. Labor Migration in Moscow: Facts, Opinions, perspectives. Situation analysis and national migration strategy modelling. — M.: MSU Publishing House, 2015. — 447 p.

54. Zk Saralieva, Širokalova G.s., P.i. Kukonkov, students of the great patriotic war. N. Novgorod, Russia: IZD-vo NISOC, 2015. -with 49.

55.  Value policy and institutional practices in the field of interethnic relations in economically developed countries with a complex ethno-cultural structure: Monograph / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. - Rostov-on-Don: The Foundation for Science and Education, 2015. - 316 p.

56.  The Black Sea-Caspian region and problems national security of Russia: textbook / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. Rostov on/D: The Foundation for Science and Education, 2015. - 214 p.

57.  Critical 10 years. Demographic Policies of the Russian Federation: Successes and Challenges. - Moscow: “Delo” Publishing House (RANEPA), 2015 – 125 pp.

58.  Mukomel Vladimir. Diaspora – Partner in the Development of Tajikistan. International Organization for Migration. - Dushanbe, 2015, p. 131

59.  Multi-faced Transformations. Challenges and Studies. Editor(s): Elena Danilova, Matej Makarovic, Alina Zubkovych. 2015 Cambridge Scholars Publishing

60.  People's dreams in China and in Russia (Мечты людей в Китае и в России) / Eds: Li Peilin and M.K. Gorshkov. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2015

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