Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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51. The influence of the religiosity level on the interethnic tension in Russia. In: Social factors of interethnic tension in Russia: monograph / [M. F. Chernysh and others]; otv. Ed. Yu. B. Epikhina, MF Chernysh. - Moscow: FNISTS RAS, 2017. P. 112-146.

52. Tikhonova N.E., Karavay A.V. The Impact of the 2014-2016 economic crisis on the employment of Russian. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2017. № 2. P. 1—17.

53. Voronov V. V. Attention, concern for the people and warmth are inherent qualities of a scientist and person of Alexander Olesnevich Boronoev. In: Pro et contra. On the 80th anniversary of Boronoev Asalhana Olesnevicha. SPb.: Scythia-print, 2017. Pp. 95-98.

54. Volzhin S.V. The Sublime and Violence. An Ethos of the Sublime in the Works of M. Luther and I. Kant. Christian reading, 2017, Issue 4, pp. 327-343.

55. Usacheva (Basheva O.A.), Ermolaeva P.O. Possibilities of the application of approaches of «green» urbanism and ecological design aiming at study the cities’ sustainability. Electronic Economic Newsletter of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2017, Issue 3, pp. 43-50. URL:

56. Sergeeva O.V., Tsareva A.V., Zinovyeva N.A. Let’s meet in augmented reality...»: social competences of mmorpg-gamers. Logos et Praxis, 2017, Vol. 16 Isuue. 4, pp. 51-63.

57. Latov Yu. V., Petukhov V.V. Do middle strata stabilize the Russian society? (evidence from national sociological surveys). Monitoring of Public Opi ni on : Economic and Social Changes. 2017. No 6. P. 1—30. DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2017.6.01.

58. Gasparishvili, A.T. Socio-cultural and economic background of transformation processes. In: Russian youth in the dynamics of decades. Statistical materials and research results: [monograph]. M.: IS RAS, 2017. P. 9-35

59. Tartakovskaya I. (2017) Gender, natsiya i klass kak resursy sotsial'noy mobil'nosti [Gender, Nation, and Class as Social Mobility Resources]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 16, no 2, pp. 340-347 (in Russian)

60. Nechaeva N.A. Student youth gender ideals (1999-2014). Petersburg Sociology Today.2017.Issue 8. P. 160-178

61. Ayvazova S.G. Gender discourse in the field of conservative policy. Womeen in Russian society, 2017, № 4, pp. 3-13

62. Deviatko I. F., Lebedev D. V. Through the eyes of the interviewer, through the eyes of the respondent: outlining a new approach towards the assessment of cognitive load during the interview. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2017. № 5. P. 1—19. DOI:10.14515/monitoring.2017.5.01.

63. Yanitsky Oleg N. Globalization and civilizational risks. Risk management [Upravlenie riskom], 2017, Issue 3 (83), pp. 48-56.

64. Yanitsky, Oleg. Globalization: Eleven years of interdisciplinary analysis. Official Portal Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017. P. 1-4. URL:

65. Andreev A.L. Global world and ethnic revolution. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2017. № 4. P. 23—36. DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2017.4.03.

66. Tykanova E.V. The city as a territory of inequality: contestation of garage spots demolition in St. Petersbur. Petersburgian Sociology Today, 2017, pp.150-159.

67. Tev D.B. The State Duma of the sixth convocation: socio-professional characteristics of the recruiting pool of deputies. In: Power and Elites / Ed. by A. Bystrova, A. Duka, D. Tev. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2017. P. 76-154.

68. Grigoreva K.S. State policy and interethnic tension. In: Social factors of interethnic tension in Russia: monograph / [M. F. Chernysh and others]; otv. Ed. Yu. B. Epikhina, M.F. Chernysh. - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - P. 197-240.

69. Civil War as National Tragedy of Russia. In: Vlast i obschestvo. Uroki istorii. K 100-letiyu revolyutsii v Rossii / Bushueva T.S., Kolodnikova L.P., Ustinkin S.V. i dr. – M.: GU Tipografiya MPGU, 2017. P. 125-133.

70. Drobizheva L. (2017) National Identity as a Means of Reducing Ethnic Negativism. Mir Rossii , vol. 26, no 1, pp. 7–31 (in Russian)

71. Tikhonov A.V., Bogdanov V.S., Guseinova K.E. Civil online examination of the work of regional management systems in the context of socio-cultural modernization processes in the region. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2017, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 101-123. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2017.1.49.6

72. Trofimova I.N. Civic Socialization of Youth in Modern Russia: Values and Practices // Preventing Extremism and Terrorism as a Factor in Ensuring Social Security in Contemporary Russia: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, April 19, 2017 / Ed. by R.F. Idrisov et al., Moscow: RUDN, 2017. P. 160-171.

73. Civic activism and Public Policy in Russia: Status and Challenges

74. Sogomonov A.Ju. Civic education in the contexts of the world history (Constructing the Citizen under the totalitarianism). Obshaja Tetrad, 2017, N. 3-4 (73), pp. 78-96.

75. Civil Consciousness and Civil Society


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