Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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951. Mishchuk S.N. Factors of Non-Migration as an Element of Migration Processes Management. Society and Security Insights, 5(3), 103–117. (In Russ.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)3-07

952. Rakhmonov A.Kh. Factors of reorientation of tajik migrants from Russia to OECD countries. In: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in English “Theory and Practice of Modern Science: the View of Youth”. In 2 parts. / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; FSBEI HE “Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design”; compilers E. N. Lashina, M. S. Lipatov; under the general editorship of V. V. Kirillova. SPb.: HSTE SPbGUITD. P. 29-31.

953. Ledeneva V.Yu., Abdullaev R.S., Guseynova L.D. Factors of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students from Azerbaijan and China in Russian universities. Higher education in Russia. 2022. Vol. 31. No. 10. Pp. 118-134. DOI: 10.31992/0869-3617-2022-31-10-118-134

954. Egorova A.I., Chepurenko A.Yu. Factors of the response resilience of small businesses in Russia to external shocks: analysis of longitudinal study data. Rossiysky zhurnal menedzmenta, 2022, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 172-197 (in Russ.)

955. Gnevasheva V.A. The phenomenon of social loneliness: the risks of transformation of the traditional family construct. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No. 5. Pp. 16-20.

956. Malinkin A.N. The Phenomenology of the Tragic and the Metaphysics of the Victim by Max Scheler. In: Max Scheler. To the Phenomenon of Tragic. On the Meaning of Suffering. Tranl. from German, notes and comments, accompanying article by A. N. Malinkin. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2022. P. 143-187.

957. Malinkin A.N. Philosophical anthropology of Max Scheler in 1912-1922. In: Max Scheler. To the Idea of Man. Tranl. from German, notes and comments, accompanying article by A. N. Malinkin.Moscow and St. Petersburg, Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2022. P. 73-136.

958. Panova L., Panova A. Financial protection in Russia and European countries. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 2022, 20(3), 491-504.

959. Makar S.V., Yarasheva A.V., Markov D. I. Financial behavior as a result of the interaction of people in the socioeconomic space. Finance: Theory and Practice. 2022;26(3):157-168. DOI: 10.26794/2587-5671-2022-26-3-157-168

960. Vartanova M.L. Financial mechanism as an effective lever for stimulating the development of regional infrastructure for servicing the labor market. Natural Sciences and Humanities Research. 2022. No. 44(6). Pp. 48-51.

961. Silin A.N., Yudashkin V.A. 2022. «Formation and development of human capital of small towns in the Arctic in the sociological dimension». Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 8, no. 2 (30), pp. 67–80. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2022-8-2-67-80

962. Ruban L.S. Formation of the younger generation (on the example of K.I. Chukovsky's creativity). Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Serits Humanities. 2022. No. 9. Pp. 156-161. DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.09.27

963. Endruyshko A.A. The Formation of Russian Identity in the Higher Education Space: the View of teachers. In: Russian Identity and Interethnic Relations. Public Discourse and Social Practice : [monograph] / L.M. Drobizheva, E.M. Arutyunova, M. A. Evseeva [et al.] ; ed. by I.M. Kuznetsov, S.V. Ryzhova ; FNISTC RAS. – Moscow : FNISTC RAS, 2022. P. 367-390.

964. Rabat L. Characteristics of the socio-political life and political culture of the population in Syria. Political Science Issues. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 8 (84). Pp. 2764–2772. DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.84.8.023

965. Popova R.I., Toksanbaeva M.S. Characteristics of employment under postindustrialization and deindustrialization. Business. Education. Low. 2022. No. 4 (61). P. 98-104.

966. Rassolova E.N. Hobby or profession? features of professionalization of the science art direction // Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. Social Sciences. 2022. No. 1 (65). ðð. 117-124. DOI 10.52452/18115942_2022_1_117

967. Arefiev A.L., Bazhenov A.M. Anthology on world and Russian fiction in the course of social studies / Arefiev A.L., Bazhenov A.M. - M.: Buki Vedi , 2022. 186 p.

968. Kolesnik, N.V. (2022). “Fragile representation” or women in big politics: The case of the administrative elite. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 24(1), 107–119. (In Russian)

969. Dubrovin V.L. Artistic TV content as a projection of soft forces” and its influence on public consciousness. SEARCH: Politics. Social studies. Art. Sociology. Culture. 2022. No. 4(93). Pp. 45-57.

970. Ilyicheva L.E., Kondrashov A.O., Lapin A.V. Value determinants of social tension in Russian regions. Political Expertise: POLITEX. 2022. Vol. 18. No. 4. Pp. 362–391.

971. Ilyicheva L.E., Lapin A.V. Value and social determinants of sustainable development of Russian regions in the era of global civilizational deformation: monograph. — Moscow: Izdatelstvo Prospect, 2022. — 344 p.

972. Ilyicheva L.E., Syzdykov A.A. Value measurements: content analysis in social networks. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 5. Pð. 13–22. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2022-12-5-13-22

973. Kuznetsov I.M. Value Markers of Russian Identity and Their Consolidation Potential. In: Russian Identity and Interethnic Relations. Public Discourse and Social Practice : [monograph] / L.M. Drobizheva, E.M. Arutyunova, M. A. Evseeva [et al.] ; ed. by I.M. Kuznetsov, S.V. Ryzhova ; FNISTC RAS. – Moscow : FNISTC RAS, 2022. P. 143-171.

974. Kroshilin S.V. Digital transformation of education in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Economic activity of the population in the field of education and labor: [monograph] / O. A. Alexandrova, N. V., Alekperova [et al.]; ed. by A.V. Yarashev; FNISTC RAS. – M.: FNISTC RAS, 2022. P. 33-55.

975. Schenina O.G. Digital transformation of the post-Soviet space: topological approach [Electronic resource]. In: Development of political institutions and processes: foreign and domestic experience: collection of scientific papers / responsible editors: N. V. Kefner, Yu. V. Popova – Omsk: Omsk State University Publishing House, 2022. – 1 CD-ROM. – Title. with title. the screen. P. 168-172.

976. Galkin K. Digitalization of older people’s volunteering during the pandemic: opportunities and barriers of the artificial intelligence. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 20(3), 377-392.

977. Semenov E., Sokolov D. Digitalization of Higher Education: Opportunities and Risks. Idei i idealy = Ideas and Ideals, 2022, vol. 14, iss. 4, pt. 1, pp. 137–153. DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2022-14.4.1-137-153.

978. Alekseev, D.V. (2022) The digitalization of the European migration policy in the context of the securitization of migration. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal. 480. ðð. 63–72. (In Russian). doi: 10.17223/15617793/480/8

979. Popov D.S., Strelnikova A.V., Grigoreva E.A. (2022) Technology Use in Russian High Schools: The Returns and the Risk. Mir Rossii, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 26–50 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2022-31-2-26-50

980. Voronkova O.A. Digitalization of socio-political relations: opportunities, risks, prospects. In: Power and elite in the era of digital transformation: new challenges and threats, trajectories of socio-political development of modern society: materials of the Fourth All-Russian Elitological Congress with international participation, Rostov-on-Don, March 25, 2022. – Rostov-on-Don: South-Russian Institute of Management is a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (YURIUF RANEPA), 2022. P. 391-397. EDN TTJWTX.

981. Orlov G. M., Chugunov A.V. Digital healthcare: a program-targeted approach and problems of aging. International Journal of Open Information Technologies. 2022. Vol. 10. No. 11. Pp. 113-125.

982. Gadzhiev Kh.A. Digital Space and Political Stability of Russia. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 6. Pð. 22–28. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2022-12-6-22-28

983. Schenina O.G. Digital space of political relations: topological perspective. In: Opportunities and threats of digital society: conference materials / ed.: A.V. Sokolova, A. A. Frolov. – Yaroslavl: Publishing House of Digital Printing House LLC, 2022. - 239 p. – (All–Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Opportunities and threats of digital society, Yaroslavl, April 21-21, 2022). P. 137-142.

984. Mikhaylenok O.M., Shchenina O.G. Digital aspects of transformation of society and politics. In: Power and elite in the era of digital transformation: new challenges and threats, trajectories of socio-political development of modern society : materials of the Fourth All-Russian Elitist Congress with international participation, Rostov-on-Don, March 25, 2022. – Rostov-on-Don: South Russian Institute of Management - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA Law School), 2022. P. 63-72. – EDN WXNAIW.

985. Gnevasheva V.A. Digital employment platforms. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2022. No. 9 (143). Pp. 81-86.

986. Shirokalova G.S. Whose ashes are knocking at the heart? In: Russian civilization, the Great Victory and new challenges of the XXI century: a collection of materials from a scientific conference held on November 12, 2020, organized by RIIII and the Heritage Institute. (From the cycle Russian civilization in historical retrospective and perspective) [Electronic network edition] - M .: Heritage Institute, 2022. P. 212-226.

987. Gimpelson V. E. (2022). Russian human capital in times of sanctions and countersanctions: Some redistributive implications. Journal of the New Economic Association, 3 (55), 234–238. DOI: 10.31737/2221-2264-2022-55-3-16

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