Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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101. Drobizheva L.M. Dynamics of Russian civil identity in the polyethnic space of Russia. In: XIII Congress of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia: collection of materials. Kazan, 2-6 July 2019 / Resp. ed.: M. Yu. Martynova. - Moscow; Kazan: IEA ran, KFU, the Institute of History, the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. 2019. P. 11-14.

102.  The dynamics of socio-political relations and the phenomenon of consent in modern society: [monograph] / [A.V. Brega et al.]; resp. ed. O.M. Mikhailenok – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 197 PP.

103. Konstantinovskiy D., Savinkov V. Dynamics of number of students at the school and the quality of general education. STR - social technology and research, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 55-67.

104. Kornienko A.V. Facebook Discourse in Indirect Dialogue with Authorities. Political Linguistics, 2019, Issue 5 (77), pp. 46-56.

105. Savelev I.A. The remote content analysis of feedback mechanisms for the implementation of breakthrough projects in regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization // INAB. 2019. No. 2. The ratio of the population of the pilot regions of the Russian Federation to the work of authorities and management: a comparative analysis of 2015-2019. P. 88–94. DOI: 10.19181/inab.2019.2.4

106. Podlesnaya MA, Safronova MA. Diary method in the study of family values of orthodox believers (on the example of sociological and pedagogical research in the orthodox gymnasium). In: The Family in the Modern World: The XI Sociological Readings in Memory of V. B. Golofast: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, March 28–31, 2019) / Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences — FISSC RAS branch. - SPb. : “Renome”, 2019. P. 257-263.

107. Podlesnaya M.A. Diary method in the study of religious behavior (on the example of the study of Orthodox communities). In: The future of sociological knowledge and the challenges of social transformations (on the 90th birthday of V. A. Yadov). [Electronic resource]. International Scientific Conference (Moscow, November 28-30, 2019). Collection of materials / Ans. ed. M.K. Gorshkov; FNISTS RAN. - M .: FNISTS RAN, 2019 . P. 337-340.

108. Berezina, T.I., Fedorova, E.N., Ryazantsev, I.P., Podlesnaya, M.A., Kameneva, O. L. Virtuous person as a civilizational choice and purpose of education. Perspectives of science and education, 2019, Issue 5 (41), pp. 20-33.

109. Panova L.V. Accessibility of medical care: Russia in the European context. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 2019, Vol. 17. No. 2, pp. 177-190.

110. Akimkin E.M. Dridze Tamara Moiseevna. In: Sociology of Russia in persons: history and modernity. Encyclopedic publication / Author of the foreword. and before ed. Acad. RAS M.K. Gorshkov. - M.: All World Publishing House, 2019. P. 148-149.

111. Scherbina V.V. The dualistic logic of the development of sociological theory. Part 1. Personality. Culture. Society, 2019, Vol. 21, Issue 3-4 (103-104), pp. 98-111.

112.  Durkheim, Emile. Moral Education. Lectures 4-5. Forward by Paul Fauconnet. Translation from the French by Alexander Gofman. Lichnost. Kultura. Obshtchstvo, 2019, Vol. 21. Issues 1-2 (100-101), pp. 9-28.

113.  Durkheim, Emile. Moral Education. Lectures 4-5. Forward by Paul Fauconnet. Translation from the French by Alexander Gofman. Lichnost. Kultura. Obshtchstvo, 2019, Vol. 21, Issues 3-4 (103-104), pp. 23-42.

114. Galindabaeva V.V. Women in Difficult Life Situations: Managerial Practices of Social Services. Sociology and Law, 2019, Issue 4(46), pp. 18-25.

115. Zubok Yu.A., Chuprov V.I. Life activity of young people in small towns: General and special in the fields of education and labor. In: Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [A. Y. Ardalyanova, P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky, etc.]; Rel. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. Pp. 174-188. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7794

116. Divisenko K.S. Life plans of high school students yesterday and today. Psychology of Learning, 2019. Issue 5, pp. 41-51.

117. Yanitsky Oleg N. A Life in the blogs: Short Notes on the History of Sociology and other Sciences [monograph]. – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2019. – 176 p. Available at: (Accessed 28 May 2019).

118. Lyublinsky V.V. Conclusion. In: Dynamics of socio-political relations and the phenomenon of consent in modern society: [monograph] / [A.V. Brega et al.]; resp. edited by O. M. Mihalinec; FCTAS RAS. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. P. 171-177

119. Markin V.V., Chernysh M.F. Conclusion. In: the Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [Yu Ardelyanov A., P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky et al.]; ed. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. P. 503-505. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7826

120. Anikin V. A., Lezhnina Y. P., Mareeva S. V., Slobodenyuk E. D. (2019) Russian Public Demand for State Assistance: Social Investment or Social Support? Mo ni to ring of Pub lic Opi ni on : Eco no mic and So cial Chan ges. No. 3 . P. 345— 366 .

121. Voronov V.V. Foreign studies of social problems of small towns. In: Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [A. Y. Ardalyanova, P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky, etc.]; Rel. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. – M.: FNESC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. P. 81-99. Text electron. URL: id=1198&id=7805

122. Mitrofanova A.V. Protecting «traditional values» and orthodox radicalism (the case of the republic of Moldova). Perm university herald. History, 2019, No 4(47), pp. 19-29.

123. Yanitsky O.N. An “ideal city”, its statics and dynamics. IKBFU's Vestnik. Ser. The Humanities and social Science, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 43-58.

124. Klimova S.G., Klimov I.A. Ideas of Efficiency and Solidarity in Soviet-Era Patronage Patterns and in Contemporary Practices of Corporate Volunteering

125. Khukhlaev O.E., Alexandrova E.A., Gritsenko V.V., Konstantinov V.V., Kuznetsov I.M., Pavlova O.S., Ryzhova S.V., Shorokhova V.A. Religious Group Identification and Ethno-National Attitudes in Buddhist, Muslim and Orthodox Youth. Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2019, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 71-82.

126. Polukhina, E. and Vanke, A. (2019) “The Identity of the Industrial Worker in a Post-soviet Context: An Ethnographic Case Study of the Uralmash District”, The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17(2), pp. 237-252.

127. Barash R.E. Identity and Multiculturalism. In Search of the Basic Categories of its Analysis. Voprosy filosofii, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 31-34.

128. Manuilskiy M.A. Identity as a modus of human nature. Human Being, 2019, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 29-44.

129. Malinov A.V. From the history of teaching the methodology of science at St. Petersburg University. In: Russian Logos - 2: Modern - boundaries of control. Materials of the international philosophical conference, St. Petersburg, September 25–28, 2019 - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2019. - 688 p. P. 648–652.

130. Divisenko K.S. Changes in the gender ideals of high school students (2010 - 2018). Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, 2019. Issue 5, pp. 17-22.

131. Mastikova N.S. Changes introduced by migrants and their assessment by Russians (according to the data of the European Social Research). Social Sciences and Modernit, 2019, Issue 2, pp. 160-169.

132. Kogan, E. A., Pronina, E. I., & Karelova, D. G. (2019). The research of high school students’ views about schooling and its impact on the development of their personality. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 39 (3), 266-273. doi: 10.32744/pse.2019.3.20

133. Pozdnyakova M.E., Bruno V.V. The Study of the Drug Situation in Russia and Abroad: Comparative Analysis

134. Dokuka Sofia Vladimirovna. Study of the attitude to the national projects implementation in the regions (based on the content analysis results of regional print media in four regions of the Russian Federation). INAB. 2019. № 2.The Russian Federation pilot regions population ratio to the work of authorities and management: the comparative analysis of 2015-2019. P. 62–87. DOI: 10.19181/inab.2019.2.3

135. Popova I.P. Engineer in modern Russia: Lessons of professional dynasty. Interview with V.F. Shukhov, president of Shukhov’s temple’s fond by I.P. Popova. Alma mater. Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald), 2019, Issue 3, pp. 8-18.

136. Antonov Yu.E., Pronina E.I. Engineering dynasties in the context of education and urban culture. In: Theory and practice of social development in the light of modern scientific knowledge: collection of materials of the III International Scientific Conference, Kraskovo, 25 Apr. 2019 - M .: Pero; Kraskovo: Humanitarian and Social Institute, 2019. P. 196-200.

137. Mansurov V.A., Ivanova E.Yu. Russian Engineering Dynasties in the Light of Modernizational Changes. Bulletin of the russian foundation for basic research. humanities and social sciences, 2019, Issue 1, pp 62-75.

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