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In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P.147-157. 404. Makushina L. V., Kuskov O. D. the PROBLEMS of the MIDDLE CLASS IN the SPHERE of SOCIAL and LABOR RELATIONS in the collection of the MODERN PROBLEMS of ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT international scientific-practical conference: the collection is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ILO, the 100-th anniversary of Voronezh state University // of the Voronezh state University; ANOO VPO Voronezh Institute of high technologies, Voronezh regional branch of Academy of labor and employment. 2017. P. 250-252. 405. Marshak A. L. Provocative positive. (experience of sociological diagnostics). In: Actual problems of socio-humanitarian knowledge: history and modernity.Mezhvuz. SB. nauch. Tr. / redkol.: S. F. Samoilov. N. In.Narykov, I. P. Skvortsov, E. V. Grishay. Krasnodar: Krasnodar University of MIA of Russia, 2017. Vol. 14. P. 81-90. 406. Dmitriev A.V. Provocation: the conservative interpretation. «P.O.I.S.K.» (Policy. Social Science. Art. Sociology. Culture.): scientific and socio-cultural journal: М.: MGUPS (MIIT), 2017. – Edition 3(62). – 155 p. P. 48-55. 407. Provocation: sociophilosophical essays. Monograph /A. V. Dmitriev, A. A. Sychev. – M.: CSEM, 2017. – 336 p. 408. Dmitriev A. V., Voronov V. V., Mikhaylova E. A. Predictive modelling of inter-ethnic relations in Russian regions based on the analysis of identity strategies of Diaspora and ethnic communities. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2017. № 6. P. 98—125. 409. Tikhonov A.V. The program and methods of the research of living conditions of the population and of the links work in the power-management vertical in regions with different level of sociocultural modernization. In: Russia and the world: global challenges and strategies of social and cultural dynamics / Materials of International scientific-practical conference (Moscow, 12-13 October 2017) / A. V. Tikhonov (resp. ed.), Moscow: FNISC RAS - 2017 – P. 135-141. 410. Dulyasova M.V., Markin V.V. Dwsign modeling of a university's comprehensive-integrated security system. Integratsiya obrazovaniya [Integration o Education]. 2017; 1 (21): 112-123. 411. The Industrial Culture of Modern Russian Workers as an Element of Their Human Capital: an Ethnometric Analysis Using Hofstede’s Model. Mir Rossii. 2017. vol. 26. no 3. pp. 36–63. 412. Rudenko N., ‘Prostranstvo znaniya etnografi cheskogo muzeya: strategii, tekhniki i reprezen tatsii’ [Knowledge Space of Ethnographical Museum: Strategies, Techniques, and Representations], Antropologicheskij forum, 2017, no. 33, pp. 11–36. 413. Klimenko LV, Chikarova GI, Ogryzkova Yu.K. Professional Identity of Young Teachers in a Large Russian City (Based on the Results of Empirical Research). Izvestia Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences, 2017, № 9. pp. 21-28. 414. Bozhkov O.B., Ignatova S.N. Professional competences of head of municipal self-government institutions. Petersburgian Sociology Today, 2017, pp. 36-53. 415. Shlykova E.V. Profile of adaptive social well-being of the population in the conditions imposed on risk. News of the Tula state university. Humanitarian sciences. 2017. No. 1. P. 114-126. 416. Merzlykov A.A. The detection of the phenomenon of subjectivity in different sociocultural modernization regions. In: Russia: reforming of the power-management vertical in the context of problems of sociocultural modernization of the regions / a. v. tikhonov (resp. ed.), moscow: fnisc ras - 2017 – P. 128-150 417. Popov D.S., Strelnikova A.V. Work, Education and Literacy in Russian Society: The Problem of Inconsistency. Social Policy and Labor, VOL 15, NO 2 (2017): 267-280. 418. Tikhonova N.E. Work: state and trends in crisis conditions // Russian society and the challenges of time. Book five / [M.K. Gorshkov et al.]; Ed. M.K. Gorshkov, V.V. Petukhov. - M.: All World, 2017. P. 34-55. 419. Gontarenko N.N. Radicalization of the Islamic Movement in the Near and Middle East: Challenges, Risks and Threats to the National Security of the Russian Federation. Scientific Journal Muslim World, 2017, № 4, pp. 10-16. 420. Usacheva O.A. The Libraries destruction as one of the most important Factors of the cultural Heritage loss of Mankind. Scientific Bulletin of the Volgograd branch of Ranepa. Series: political science and sociology, 2017, Issue 1, pp. 79-83. 421. Volkov Yu.G., Bineeva N.K., Pechkurov I.V. Realization of ethno-cultural education and civil-patriotic education in the South of Russia: in the context of national policy. Bulletin of the Adyghe University. Series Regionology: philosophy, history, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, culturology, 2017, No. 3, pp. 86-97 422. Oganisyan Yu. S. Real Realism. Exit from the shadow. Free thought. 2017. No 5 (1665). C.171-183. 423. Zinovyeva, N. A. Revolutionary 1917 in poster images. Logos et Praxis, 2017, Vol. 16, № 3, pp. 80-108. 424. Aivazova S.G. Revolution: the gender redistribution of the political field. In: Centenary of the revolution in Russia and modern socialism: materials of the international conference (St. Petersburg, Tauride Palace, March 18, 2017) / Institute Just World [responsible. Ed. and sost. AK Nikitin]. Moscow. Key-C. 2017. – 136 p. P.79-87 425. Aivazova S.G. (IP FNISTS RAS, Moscow) Revolution: a request for gender equality in the field of politics. In: Time of big changes: politics and politics: materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Moscow, PFUR, November 24-25, 2017. P.25-26 426. Bystrova A.S., Daugavet A.B., Duka A.V., Tev D.B. Tev Regional power groups: basic social and structural characteristics and a role in development of today Russian society. In: Power and Elites / Ed. by A. Bystrova, A. Duka, D. Tev. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2017. P. 176-198. 427. Abramov R., Antonova K. Social Adaptation among Graduates from Orphanages in the Russian Media: A Thematic Analysis of Publications for 2014–2015. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 2017, Vol. 15, Issue. 3, pp. 421-434. 428. Bozhkov O., Ignatova S. Regional practices of business and the authorities interaction (the Russian North-West case). Russian Peasant Studies, 2017, Vol. 1, pp. 115-130. 429. Dmitriev A.V. Residents, diasporas and migrants: conflict model of interaction. Sotzialno-gumanitarnye znaniya. 2017, Issue. 6, pp. 215-225. 430. Guseinova K.E., Vovchenko E.A., Shatrova E.A. The results of approbation of the expert online survey's methodology in the context of power-management vertical's diagnosys diagnostic. In: Modern research practices in sociology: a collection of materials of the conference of young scientists (Moscow, April 19-20, 2017) / V.V. Semenova; FCTAS RAS - Moscow: FNISTS RAS, 2017. - 232 p. P. 87-100. 431. Bogdanov V.S., Guseynova K.E. The results of approbation the methodology of the online experts survey in the context of studying the functioning of regional systems of governance (according to studies 12 regions of the Russian Federation). In: Russia and the world: global challenges and strategies of social and cultural dynamics / Materials of International scientific-practical conference (Moscow, 12-13 October 2017) / A. V. Tikhonov (resp. ed.), Moscow: FNISC RAS - 2017 – P. 146-155. 432. Tikhonov A.V. The results of the civil examination of living conditions and work of bodies of authority and management depending on belonging of respondents to regions with different level of sociocultural modernization (on materials of field survey). In: Russia and the world: global challenges and strategies of social and cultural dynamics / Materials of International scientific-practical conference (Moscow, 12-13 October 2017) / A. V. Tikhonov (resp. ed.), Moscow: FNISC RAS - 2017 – P. 247-266. 433. A.A. Vozmitel Reconceptualization of the sociological approach to studying the way of life. Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Social Sciences, Issue 4(48). Nizhni Novgorod: Nizhni Novgorod University Press, 2017, pp. 55-64. Next → 1   ... 4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   16