SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES MONTHLY 2017 № 12 CONTENT: 19TH A. KHARCHEV READINGS Deviatko I.F. Metatheorizing or philosophy of social sciences? (p. 3-9) Dudina V.I. Strategies of metatheorizing in sociology (p. 10-19) THEORY. METHODOLOGY Volkov Yu.G. Private space as a research problem of sociological reflection of the solidarist potential for new social reality (p. 20-29) Barbalet J. Guanxi as social exchange: Emotions, power and corruption (p. 30-41) METHODOLOGY AND METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES Tatarova G.G., Bessokirnaya G.P. Subject oriented approach to the «battle» with the missing data in typological analysis (p. 42-54) Andreenkova A.V. Sensitive questions in cross-national comparative surveys (p. 55-64) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICIES Latova N.V. Dynamics and factors of life satisfaction of russians (1997–2017) (p. 65-78) Starosta P.Y., Bzezinski K.V., Stolbov V.P. The structure of social trust in postindustrial cities of Central and Eastern Europe (p. 79-88) RURAL SOCIOLOGY Toshchenko Zh.T. What is a modern Russian village? (p. 89-98) Efendiev A.G., Gogoleva A.S., Balabanova E.S. Trends of moral development of rural people in Belgorod Region (an institutional analysis) (p. 99-109) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Dulina N.V. , Zvonovsky V.B., Tokarev V.V. Sociological and market research industry in Russia: position, dynamic, prognosis (p. 110-123) Popova I.P. Professional career in science and technology: on sustainability problem (p. 124-134) Vasiliev V.I., Ermolaeva M.A., Bakun D.N. Interaction of the communities of science's academic segment with the sphere of book culture as societal systemic links (p. 135-143) SOCIOLOGICAL HERITAGE Obraztsov I.V. Sociolinguistic studies in the worker-and-peasant Red Army in the 1920s (p. 144-155) Shpil’reyn I.N., Reytynbarg D.I., Netskiy G.O Red Army man’s language (p. 156-167) REFLECTING ON A BOOK Chugrov S.V. Shaping and evolution of public sphere (On J. Habermas’ book) (p. 168-172) JOURNALS’ GUIDE Journals’ guide (p.170) ANNIVERSARY Konstantinovsky D.L. is 80! (p. 177-177) 2017 INDEX 2017 index (p. 178-186) IN MEMORIAM A.N. Alekseev (p. 187-188) A.S. Kulagin (p. 189-189) BOOKS IN BRIEF Books in brief (p. 190-191) CONTENTS Contents (p. 192-192) BOOKS SENT TO THE EDITORS (inside front cover) IN THE NEXT ISSUES (back cover)