SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES MONTHLY 2019 ¹ 04 CONTENT: NEW IDEAS AND PHENOMENA IN SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETAL PRACTICES Toshchenko Zh.T. From Phenomenon to Noumenon: à Methodological and Methodic Search (p. 3-14) Orlov M.O., Shatkin M.A. Socio-legal and Socio-economic Aspects of Privacy (p. 15-26) MILITARY SOCIOLOGY Sushchiy S.Ya. Losses of the Russian Army during Counter-terrorist Operation in North Caucasus (1999–2012): a Socio-demographic Analysis (p. 27-42) ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY OF WORK Tatarova G.G., Bessokirnaya G.P. Identification of Workers with an Enterprise in the Diagnostics of Production Situation (p. 43-56) Soboleva I.V. Social Well-being of Entrepreneurs and Employees in Small Business (p. 57-69) SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH Reshetnikov A.V., Romanov S.V., Abaeva O.P., Prisyazhnaya N.V, Smirnova G.Yu. The Attitude of Russians to Posthumous Donorship (the Case of a Region) (p. 70-76) Fadeeva Å.V. Availability of Medicines under Conditions of Medicinal Embargo (p. 77-85) HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY Go J. Pierre Bourdieu, Algeria and Postcolonial Sociology (p. 86-98) Noskova A.V., Kuzmina Social Mobility in Theories and Research Practices of Leading French Sociologists (p. 99-108) CHAIR. CONSULTATIONS Zhuravleva Å.Yu. Softwarization of Modern Society: Origins and Prospects (p. 109-117) DISCUSSION. POLEMICS Bobkov V.N., Odintsova Ye.V., Kvachev V.G. Russian Middle Classes Criterial Identification (p. 118-125) FIRST STEPS Chemankova E.D. Women as Police Officers: How Profession is Chosen (p. 126-132) Shchemeleva I.I. Social Activity of the Student Youth: Factor and Cluster Analysis (p. 133-141) FACTS. COMMENTS. NOTES Smirnova R.A. Peasant and Agricultural Laborers in the Belarus Rural Communities Structure (p. 142-145) Shilov V.V. USSR as Seen by Youth in an Industrial Center (p. 146-149) Zubanova L.B. , Zyhovskaya N.L., Shub M.L. Lingvo-temporal Analysis of Inaugural Speeches of the USA and Russia Heads of States (p. 150-154) ACADEMIC EVENTS Voroncov A.V., Okladnikova E.A., Ìàrtianova N.À. Homo Eurasicus: in Urban and Rural Landscapes (p. 155-157) Demidenko S.Yu. Youth and Its Work: Construction of Labour Biography (p. 158-161) Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N., Korogodova N.P., Zaitsev D.V. Accessible Environment: Social and Technological Innovations and Development Prospects (p. 162-164) REFLECTING ON A NEW BOOK Levashov V.K. Who is Living Merrily, Freely in the Rus'? (p. 165-170) BOOKS IN BRIEF Books in brief (p. 171-172) LETTER TO EDITORS Letter to editors (p. 173-174) CONTENTS Contents (p. 175-176) BOOKS SENT TO THE EDITORS Books sent to the editors (cover) IN THE NEXT ISSUES In the next issues (cover)