SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES MONTHLY 2019 ¹ 02 CONTENT: XIX ISA WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY Andreyev A.L. Face to Face with Modern World (p. 3-8) Pokrovsky N.Ye. Against the Backdrop of Niagara Falls, International Sociology Marches Left (p. 9-15) Yanitzky O.N. The 19th ISA Congress: Reflections of an Outsider Observer (p. 16-19) Epikhina Yu.B. Stratification Research: between Past and Future (p. 20-25) Kravchenko S.A. The Many Faces of Metamorphoses: about Innovations of Two Canadian Sociologists (p. 26-35) ETHNOSOCIOLOGY Mironov B.N. The Fate of the Jewish Diaspora in Post-soviet Russia (the Case of Saint Petersburg) (p. 36-48) Ryzhova S.V. Religiosity, Ethno-Confessional Identity and Problems of Interethnic Accord (p. 49-58) Volkov V.V., Poleshchuk V.V. Current State of Interethnic Communication in Latvia and Estonia (p. 59-67) POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Danilov À.N., Rotman D.G. Soft Power Priority in Destabilizing Contemporary Socium (the Case of the Republic of Belarus) (p. 68-77) Mikhaylenok O.M., Malysheva G.A. Political Effects of Social Networks in Russia (p. 78-87) Avdoshina N.V., Vaskina Ju.V. Human Rights in Mass Consciousness: a Regional Case (p. 88-96) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Dolgova E.A., Streltsova E.A. “Welcome to the Club”: Position of Women in Soviet Science in the 1920s (p. 97-107) Antoshchuk I.A., Ledeneva V.Yu. From Russia to the UK. On Migration Mechanism of Young Russian Computer Scientists (p. 108-118) Àbdiraiymova G.S., Biekenov K.U., Burkhanova D.K., Serikzhanova S.S. Young Scientists of Kazakhstan: Experiences of Building an Academic Career (p. 119-129) SOCIOLOGICAL HERITAGE Obraztsov I.V. Reading Interests of the Red Army Soldiers in the 1920s (an Empirical Analysis) (p. 130-141) Khlebtsevich E.I. Studying of the Red Army Men Reading Interests (p. 142-156) SOCIOLOGYCAL YOURNALISM Kiva A.V. National Interests as They Are Understood in China and Russia (p. 157-166) REFLECTING ON A BOOK Tikhonova N.Ye. Precariat and Prospects for Changes in Russian Society Social Structure (p. 167-173) BOOKS IN BRIEF Books in brief (p. 174-174) CONTENTS Contents (p. 175-176) BOOKS SENT TO THE EDITORS Books sent to the editors (p. 2-ÿ ñòð. îáë.) IN THE NEXT ISSUES In the next issues (p. 4-ÿ ñòð. îáë.)