Power 2018 No 07 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARRANGEMENT OF RUSSIA: CHALLENGES AND RISKS At the Beginning of the New Presidential Period of V.V.Putin: What Do Russians Expect? Yuliya Pavlovna Lezhnina 7-16 Strengthening Civil Unity in the Ethnopolitic Context of the South of Russia Maiya Artashesovna Astvatsaturova, Sergei Alekseevich Vorontsov, Aleksandr Vasil'evich Ponedelkov, Tat'yana Vladimirovna Ignatova 17-23 Role of Social Inequalities for Formation of the Centers of Interethnic Tension Sergei Vasil'evich Ustinkin, Pavel Ivanovich Kukonkov, Natal'ya Mikhailovna Morozova 24-32 Interaction with Regional Authorities on the Example of the Kemerovo Region: Problems and Technologies Sergei Nikolaevich Chirun, Artem Vladislavovich Nikolaev, Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Bobrova, Anatolii Sergeevich Lutsyk, Eduard Olegovich Shmit 33-38 Social Aspects of the Treatment of the Volga River Basin Igor' Valentinovich Gurlev 39-46 The Russian Risk Society: the Modern Concept Dar'ya Aleksandrovna Afanas'eva 47-51 SECURITY AND SOCIETY Problems of Improving the Technology of Strategic Planning in the Perspective System of National Security of Russia in the Globalizing World Evgenii Grigor'evich Nikitenko, Igor' Mikhailovich Sinitsyn, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Sergeev 52-65 Criteria for the Efficiency of Asymmetric Crisis Strategies in the Contemporary Hybrid War Andrei Vyacheslavovich Rybakov, Daniil Andreevich Kvon 66-70 Information-Psychological Effects as a Practice of Wars of the Fourth Generation Irina Valer'evna Sitnova, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Polyakov 70-75 DISCUSSION History: Science or Ideology? Oleg Alekseevich Bel'kov 76-82 POLITICAL PROCESSES AND PRACTICES Russian Academy of Sciences as Social Institution and Human Community Oleg Nikolaevich Yanitskii 83-89 The Role of Professional Dynasties in the Russian Academic Environment Oksana Yur'evna Posukhova 89-95 Political and Legal Regulation of International Cooperation of Regions: Current Trends and Special Principles Ol'ga Yur'evna Dubrovina 95-100 The Law Enforcement Officials as Members of the Political Process Anton Borisovich Moiseev, Aleksandr Il'ich Satsuta 101-105 Electoral Competition at the Regional and Municipal Elections in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Yurii Dmitrievich Petrov, N'urgun Afanas'evich Grigor'ev 105-112 The Genesis of Reforming the Russian Pension System Svetlana Aleksandrovna Yushkova 112-116 Governing Provision of Social Care Services to Vulnerable People through State Social Commissioning Zamira Abduvalievna Komilova 117-121 COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY Features of the Mechanism of Countering Information and Political Threats in the Internet Viktor Vladimirovich Borshchenko 122-127 Deconstruction of Media Rituals in the Context of Professional Identity Anna Sergeevna Frolova 128-136 EXPERTISE The Psychology of Competitiveness of Entrepreneurs as a New Scientific Discipline Anastasiya Vladislavovna Posokhova 137-142 Social Innovation: the Innovative Resolution of Conflicts Lyubov' Nikolaevna Tsoi 143-149 Types of Images in a Contemporary Organization Ruzanna Ambartsumovna Depelyan 149-154 Methods and Criteria for Evaluating an Effective Manager Ol'ga Mukhametshevna Dudina 155-162 The Specifics of the Functioning of Right-Wing Radical Organizations in Russia and Foreign Europe Aleksei Aleksandrovich Portnov, Dmitrii Vyacheslavovich Nefedov 162-167 IDEAS AND MEANINGS Economic Morality - the Foundation of Sustainable Development of the Country and Society Natal'ya Valer'evna Alikperova 168-172 Language as an Institute and a Tool of Mental and Self-Structuring of the Future World Irina Mikhailovna Kuvakova, Sergei Vasil'evich Ustinkin 173-182 The Problem of Classification of Western Buddhist Communities Dulma Vladimirovna Ayusheeva 183-189 SOCIOLOGY The Clash of Civilizations in Bashkortostan? An Empirical Test of S. Huntington's Thesis Kseniya Sergeevna Grigor'eva 190-197 Socio-Historical Features of Reproduction of the Technical Intelligentsia Ekaterina Igorevna Makarenko 197-204 HISTORY Socio-Political Development of the Morin-Dawa Daur Autonomous Region in 1958–1984 Bazar Dogsonovich Tsybenov 205-211 Problems of Studying the Internal Troops of RSFSR-USSR-Russian Federation (1918–2018) Aleksandr Andreevich Shaposhnikov 211-216 Perceptions of Power and Statehood in the Legal Heritage of the Mongolian Peoples in the 18th–19th Centuries Evgenii Vladimirovich Nolev 216-221 The Role of Judicial Literacy in the Implementation of National Public Policy Against Crime in 15th–17th Centuries Pavel Petrovich Vostrikov, Boris Ivanovich Korolev 222-228 Practical Activities of the State Property Department in the Nizhny Novgorod Province on the Support of the Handicraft Industry in the Second Half of the 19thCentury Andrei Sergeevich Tyurin 229-236 FOREIGN EXPERIENCE Some Questions of the Socio-Political Course «The Chinese Dream of the Great Renaissance of the Chinese Nation» Vei Van 237-243 Actual Problems of Contemporary Cultural Policy (on the Example of the Federal Republic of Germany) Ruslan Sergeevich Devyatov 243-250 The Beginning of the Democratization Process in Sub-Saharan Africa (on the Example of the People’s Republic of the Congo) Roman Vladimirovich Bugrov, Kseniya Evgen'evna Kuzovenkova, Goldi jr. Lukhuolo Ngoma 251-253 State Youth Policy of Uzbekistan Sanzhar Shavkatovich Saidov 254-257 FOCUS ON POLITICS Modern Mongolian-American Relations Viktor Borisovich Bazarov 258-263 WE ARE INFORMED Formation of the Tactics of Conducting a Competitive Battle with an Alleged Enemy (Based on the Analysis of Competitive Activities in Karate Shotokan) Khoren Avetisovich Tonoyan, Arkadii Anatol'evich Churakov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Korzhenevskii, Vladimir Anatol'evich Klendar, Ol'ga Nikolaevna Russu 264-273 Organizational and Management Model of Forming the Physical Culture of School Children: the Social Aspect Ol'ga Nikolaevna Russu 273-278 BOOKS Preparation of Publications in the Era of Digital Revolution Yuliya Borisovna Epikhina 279-280