Power 2018 No 08 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARRANGEMENT OF RUSSIA: CHALLENGES AND RISKS Will There Be a New Stability? (The Newest Trends of Dynamics of Social Tension and Protest Settings in the Russian Society) Yurii Valer'evich Latov 7-16 Mediation as an Innovative Way to Manage Social Conflicts: an Experience of Practical Research Oleg Borisovich Ivanov, Yuliya Igorevna Il'inskaya 17-23 Resilience in Contemporary Governance Discourses Evgenii Yur'evich Treshchenkov 24-31 Migratory Pressure in the Regions of Volga Federal District: Scales and Consequences Sergei Vasil'evich Ustinkin, Pavel Ivanovich Kukonkov, Natal'ya Mikhailovna Morozova 32-41 POSITION On Reassessing the Ideas and Values of Political Democracy Kamaludin Serazhudinovich Gadzhiev 42-53 Theoretical Laboratory of Modern Liberalism Galina Valentinovna Kamenskaya 53-59 COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY The Power of Trust and Confidence in Power Evgenii Yakovlevich Dugin 60-66 Is the Nature of Social Policy Changing in the Conditions of the Network Society? Viktor Viktorovich Lyublinskii 67-74 On Political Sense in Social Networks (Intentional Context) Boris Ivanovich Zelenko, El'vira Stepanovna Shimanskaya 74-80 Does the Editorial Staff Need an Electronic Version? Elena Ivanovna Grigor'eva 81-84 POLITICAL PROCESSES AND PRACTICES Have the Revolutions of 1917 Ended in Russia? Aleksandr Grigor'evich Vorzhetsov 85-89 Administrative Resource and Its Influence on the Formation of Electoral Behavior Yurii Borisovich Bocharov, Maksim Vladimirovich Bulanov 90-96 Cross-Border Cooperation as a Form of Interregional Interaction and Regionalization Ol'ga Yur'evna Dubrovina 97-102 WORLD ECONOMY: NEW ANALYTICS Foreign Trade Contacts Between the European Union and Japan: Breakdown Agreement of July 2018 Igor' Sergeevich Gladkov 103-106 YOUTH OF RUSSIA – 21 CENTURY To the Problem of Formation of Political Values System of the Russian Youth Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Ezhov 107-110 The Cultural Predisposition and Successful Professional Adaptation of University’s Graduates Svetlana Aleksandrovna Yushkova, Vladimir Yaroslavovich Krasnikovskii 111-117 EXPERTISE Political Trust in Russia and United States: an Experience of Comparative Analysis Andrei Nikolaevich Kuryukin 118-123 Issues of Strengthening Public Security in the Light of Improving the Prevention of Juvenile Crime in Modern Conditions Aleksei Petrovich Andreev, Svetlana Dmitrievna Kokunova 123-130 Road Safety in the System of the State Policy of the Country Artur Rashidovich Abdul'zyanov 130-135 On Improving the Efficiency of Professional Activity and Additional Education of Employees of the Bodies of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Vladimirovich Shulegin 135-140 Objects of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Buryatia in Contemporary Regional Humanitaristics Irina Semenovna Tsyrempilova 141-147 RELIGION, SOCIETY, STATE About Imperial Days in Buryat Buddhism Marina Vasil'evna Ayusheeva 148-152 Titles of the Shiite Clergy in Modern Historical Realities of Iran Nikita Aleksandrovich Filin, Il'dar Rafailovich Galimov 152-156 SOCIOLOGY Gordeev’s Government in the Sociological Retrospective Nelli Aleksandrovna Romanovich, Oksana Aleksandrovna Korobkova 157-168 The Perception of Corruption by the Russians as the Social Problem Igor' Yur'evich Kiselev, Svetlana Valentinovna Zueva 169-182 POLITICAL SCIENCE On the Question of Types of Democracy Pavel Sergeevich Seleznev, Pavel Vyacheslavovich Solov'ev 183-190 To the Issue on the Effectiveness of the Presidential Power Khanlar Alyar ogly Gadzhiev 191-197 Historical and Logical Foundations of the Structure of the Concept of Political Struggle Andrei Anatol'evich Zaikin, Vitalii Aleksandrovich Volkov 198-204 HISTORY Police of the Russian Empire after Peter I (1725–1741) Igor' Valentinovich Gurlev 205-212 External Vassals of the Qing Empire: the Policy of the Manchu Authorities with Respect to the Khalkha Nobles Damdin Dorzhievich Badaraev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich Gombozhapov, Evgenii Vladimirovich Nolev 212-218 DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE Efficiency of Activities of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Safety of Russia from Internal Threats (1991–2016) Aleksandr Andreevich Shaposhnikov 219-225 The Institutionalization of Legislative Authorities in Russia in the 1990–2000: the Fight Trends and the Victory of Prodemocracy Fedor Sergeevich Antonov, Tat'yana Vladimirovna Rastimeshina 226-232 Motorcycles and Bicycles as New Means of Movement in the Daily Life of South-Russian Collective Farmers of the 1930s Marina Aleksandrovna Gaditskaya 233-238 Secretaries of the Siberian Statistical Committees - Officials, Scientists and Public Figures Evgenii Vladimirovich Igumnov 239-246 FOREIGN EXPERIENCE Social Factors of Adaptation of Migrants in Foreign Investigations in the USA and the EU Mariya Viktorovna Voronova 247-254 The Development of Agriculture of the Morin-Dawa Daur Autonomous Region in the 1980–1990s Bazar Dogsonovich Tsybenov 254-259 Puerto Rico: the Crisis of Ethnic Identity Natal'ya Valentinovna Shalygina 260-264 FOCUS ON POLITICS Features of Formation of National Security System of Small Baltic States Nikolai Petrovich Gribin, Ul'yana Vyacheslavovna Yakutova 265-274 The Development of the EU Energy System as a Challenge to Sustainable Development of the Region Nikolai Andreevich Medushevskii 274-279 Modern Political Basis of Russia-Brazil Relations Irina Vladimirovna Livanova, Ruslan Rustemovich Salamov 280-287