Power 2019 No 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARRANGEMENT OF RUSSIA: CHALLENGES AND RISKS On the Humanistic Active Function of the Social State in Russia Nikolai Ivanovich Lapin P.9-17 Evolution of Russian Parties and Expectations of Society Polina Mikhailovna Kozyreva, Aleksandr Il'ich Smirnov P.17-27 Trade Unions in the System of Public Control over the Implementation of the May Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation Pavel Yakovlevich Fel'dman P.28-31 Prospects for Labor Migration from Developing Countries to Russia: Socio-Cultural and Political-Economic Aspects Sergei Yur'evich Belokonev, Zaira Romanovna Usmanova P.31-37 Dialectics of Securitization and Liberalization in the Migration Policy of Russia Konstantin Valer'evich Arshin P.38-42 Areal of Social and Economic Retention and Protest Electoral Behavior in the East of the Russian Federation Petr Leonidovich Popov Aleksei Anatol'evich Cherenev Vladimir Grigor'evich Saraev Dmitrii Anatol'evich Gales P.43-51 GLOBALISATION AND DIGITAL SOCIETY Media Communications in the Digital Development of Russia Evgenii Yakovlevich Dugin P.52-56 Smart City: Managerial Aspects and Competencies of Smart-City Manager Stanislav Germanovich Eremeev P.57-62 Experience of the Moscow Government in Application of Smart Technologies for Urban Management Modernization Ekaterina Vladimirovna Mikhailova P.62-65 The Ecology of Language in the Context of Modern Globalization Processes Svetlana Konstantinovna Bondyreva Elizaveta Petrovna Savrutskaya Sergei Vasil'evich Ustinkin P.66-73 Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic Mentality Arkadii Olegovich Lapshin P.74-76 Artificial Intelligence as the New Religion and Ideology of Digital Data Aleksei Gennadievich Chernyshov P.76-83 The Main Trends in the Development of Political and Legal Regulation of Russian Internet Space in 2018 Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pivovarov P.83-87 WORLD ECONOMY: NEW ANALYTICS International Commodity Trade in 2018: Changes in the Leading Group (Successes and Failures) Igor' Sergeevich Gladkov P.88-92 EXPERTISE Personnel Risks in Human Resource Management of the Public Civil Service Noila Dokhievna Kazakova Zhanna Aleksandrovna Denisova P.93-100 A Team as a Social Stratum in Politics and Public Administration in Modern Russia: Formation, and Correspondence Problem Valentin Aleksandrovich Mikheev P.101-106 Innovative Technologies in the Formation of the Political Image of a Region Aigyul' Nikolaevna Egorova P.107-110 Socio-Cultural Characteristics of Negotiations in Arab Countries Valeriya Ivanovna Rozenberg P.110-112 Ethnic Values as a Basis of Civic Consciousness Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Zateeva Svetlana Petrovna Tatarova Zhugdernamzhil Erkhemtogs P.113-118 IDEAS AND MEANINGS The Philosophy of War: Words and Meanings Oleg Alekseevich Bel'kov P.119-127 The Ideological Past and the Legitimation of the Political Order: the Experience of Modern Russia Andrei Vasil'evich Tupaev P.128-133 The Subjectness of the Nation and the State Security of Russia Andrei Ivanovich Pal'tsev P.133-136 National Idea as a Determinant of Self-Determination and Consolidation of the Pridnestrovian People Yaroslav Olegovich Galinskii P.136-142 Mass Literature as a Factor of Destruction of Literary Environment Anatolii Nikolaevich Andreev Tat'yana Leonidovna Kashchenko Galina Nikolaevna Yulina P.143-147 ETHNIC GROUPS AND CONFESSIONS Anthropology of the Popular Buddhist Canon in Ethnic Buryatia Lyubov' Lubsanovna Abaeva P.148-152 The Construction of Buddhist Temples in the Russian Empire in the Descriptions of European Travel-Researchers at the end of the 18th – the Beginning of the 19th Century Viktoriya Vladimirovna Nomogaeva Valentina Bairovna Dambaeva P.153-157 SOCIOLOGY Analysis of Local Governance Problems in the Context of Global Challenges Sergei Alekseevich Vorontsov Aleksandr Vasil'evich Ponedelkov P.158-163 Social Values and Problems of Health Saving of the Student Youth Viktor Ivanovich Filonenko Tat'yana Sergeevna Kienko P.164-170 Individual Pension Capital: Action Strategies Pavel Viktorovich Razov Svetlana Aleksandrovna Yushkova Marina Vital'evna Doroshenko P.171-175 Legal Consciousness of Self-Employed Citizens Andrei Nikolaevich Pokida Natal'ya Vladimirovna Zabunovskaya P.176-183 Modern Practices of Sociological Study of the Phenomenon of Trust Maksim Vital'evich Baranovskii P.183-190 Industrial and Trade Experience of Great Britain in the 1850s–1860s in the Opinion of the Russian Contemporaries Vladimir Vladimirovich Boriskin Vladimir Ivanovich Filonov Anton Veniaminovich Merkulov P.191-198 DISCUSSION Do We Need a General Paradigm in Historical Epistemology? Yurii Al'bertovich Vasil'ev P.199-205 DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE Personality as the Personification of the Feat of the People During the Great Patriotic War Aleksei Vyacheslavovich Merkulov P.206-210 The Role and Place of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation, and Sabotage (CHEKA) in the Policy of the Red Terror Andrei Sergeevich Sokolov P.211-216 The Role of Charity Departments and Public Organizations of the Romanov’s House in the Process of Supporting the Life of Children in the Second Half of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Century Evgeniya Sergeevna Matveeva Anton Veniaminovich Merkulov Elena Dmitrievna Molotkova P.217-224 The Problems of Cooperation between the Judiciary and the Prosecution in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century: the Context of the Independence of Judges Tat'yana Leonidovna Kuras P.224-229 Princess Elena Petrovna’s Activity to Provide Assistance to Serbian Population Having Suffered from Military Actions (1914–1916) Galina Igorevna Shevtsova P.229-233 The Development of Engineering Education in Russia in the Post-Petrine Period of the 18th Century: Main Trends and Contradictions Mariya Vladimirovna Dobrynina Svetlana Sergeevna Nikitina P.234-239 Kyakhta in 1840s–1930s: Magnificence and Poverty of Window to China Liliya Vladimirovna Kal'mina Anna Maksimovna Plekhanova P.240-245 FOREIGN EXPERIENCE Impulse of Soviet-era Ideas of Soft Reforms in the Modern State Model of the People's Republic of China Marina Leonidovna Galas P.246-255 European Interculturalism in Practice: Modern Urban Policy of France Ol'ga Sergeevna Khodinova P.256-261 The Study of International Relations in Azerbaijan Mirmekhti Mirkamil ogly Agazade P.262-267 Study of International Relations in Turkey Oleg Vladimirovich Barnashov Anna Garnukovna Gevorgyan Funda Khaidarovna Gekkaya P.268-275 Modern US-German Relations: the Crisis of Strategic Partnership Bella Anatol'evna Nochvina P.276-279 CONFERENCES Russia in Terms of Global Competition: Ways of Development Oksana Viktorovna Gaman-Golutvina Leonid Vladimirovich Smorgunov Lidiya Nikolaevna Timofeeva P.280-284 BOOKS Energy Alliances and Geopolitics: View from Russia Vladimir Petrovich Bauer P.285-287