Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

 Power 2019 No 5



Participatory Governability: Platforms and Collaboration Leonid Vladimirovich Smorgunov p.9-19

The Institute of Municipal Elections in Modern Russia: Problems and Development Prospects Eleonora Yur'evna Maikova, Elena Valer'evna Simonova p.19-27

Influence of the Electoral Law on the Party Composition of the State Duma (1995–2016) Karolina Vladimirovna Zhuravleva p.28-34

Environmental Protest in the Political-Technological Dimension: Systematization of Methods Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Ezhov p.34-37

Relations of Russia and the EU Integration Party Structures in the Discourse of the Communist Party of the RF Stanislav Pavlovich Mitrakhovich p.37-42

Symbolic Capital in Visual Practices of Agitation Campaigns Tat'yana Leonidovna Kaminskaya p.42-47

International Sport Events as Efficient Instrument of the Sport Diplomacy of Russia Tat'yana Sergeevna Kolevatova p.47-52


Electronic Frontier as an Environment of Business and Government Relations Sergei Yur'evich Belokonev, Igor' Igorevich Chistov, Chzhon Kvan Pak p.53-58

The Potential and Prospects of Political Mobilization in the Internet Space: a Review of Empirical Research in the Global and Russian Context Zarina Zakievna Knyzhova, Ivan Vladimirovich Suslov p.59-66

Prospects of Forming a Digital Society: Socio-Political and Humanitarian Risks of Digitization of Public Space Irina Alekseevna Vasilenko p.67-73

Political Innovations in the Modern Russian Society: Socio-Engineering Prospects of «Cloud Participants» Evgenii Vasil'evich Golovatskii p.74-79


The Development of a Regional Strategy: New Approaches and Criteria Lyudmila Efimovna Il'icheva, Andrei Viktorovich Lapin p.80-89

Public Request for Change and Constitutional Reform in Russia Aleksandr Grigor'evich Vorzhetsov p.89-93

The Model of International Cooperation between the Amur Region (Russia) and Chinese Regions Ol'ga Vasil'evna Dubrovina, Vasilii Sergeevich Plotnikov p.93-100

The Concept of Universal Basic Income: Discourse and Perspective Vladimir Nikolaevich Lyaporov p.101-105

Government Policy on Fertility Stimulation and Support of Families with Children: the Practice of Modern Russia Evgeniya Vladimirovna Andryushina, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Panova p.105-111

Social Structure of Shaman Communities of Contemporary Buryatia Timur Batorovich Badmatsyrenov, Sanzhida Aleksandrovna Dansarunova p.111-117

Improving the Efficiency of Interaction between the Teacher and Students in Elective Classes in Physical Education Khoren Avetisovich Tonoyan, Artem Yur'evich Lakhtin, Mariya Sergeevna D'yakova p.117-123


Civil and Patriotic Orientations of the Post- Soviet Generation Vyacheslav Viktorovich Malenkov, Natal'ya Vladimirovna Mal'tseva p.124-131

Representation of Values of Digital Civic Participation of Russian Youth in New Media: Social and Media Analysis Anna Yur'evna Dombrovskaya p.132-138

On the Issue of Institutional Support of the State Youth Policy and Its Regulatory and Legal Basis in Russia and in the World Vladimir Leonidovich Temkin, Igor' Mikhailovich Sinitsyn p.139-146

The Image of a Political Leader in the Minds of Students of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Matrena Pavlovna Okorokova, N'urgun Afanas'evich Grigor'ev p.146-152


The European Union’s Foreign Trade: a Storm Warning? Igor' Sergeevich Gladkov p.153-158


Political Science in a Transitive Society: Meanings and Delusions Nikolai Vasil'evich Asonov p.159-163

Political Discourse: the Role and the Limits in the System of Scientific Knowledge Roman Vasil'evich Pyrma, Nadezhda Borisovna Belugina p.163-168

Soft Power as a Foreign Policy Resource of Modern States in the Context of Educational Policy Pavel Borisovich Salin p.169-173

Philosophical and Methodological Aspect of Hybridity as Characteristic of Modern Public Administration Yuliya Mikhailovna Bol'shakova p.174-180

New Look on Tolerance in the Works of Lori G. Beaman and Her Scientific School Nikolai Andreevich Medushevskii p.180-185

On the Issue of Ideological Search in Russia Igor' Mikhailovich Sinitsyn, Aleksandr Gennad'evich Kachalov p.186-193

The Space of Culture of Modern Education: Philosophical and Pedagogical Foundations Leonid Ivanovich Tetyuev, Svetlana Valer'evna Balabai p.194-199


Relations between Regional Bodies of the Komsomol and the All-Union Communist Party (B) at the Turn of 1920–1930s Pavel Aleksandrovich Merkulov, Ol'ga Sergeevna Fefelova p.200-206

To the Question of Credit Cooperation in Russia in 1918–1920 Anna Sergeevna Chumakova p.206-211

The Relationship between the Soviet State Authorities and Science in the 1920s El'mira Faritovna Abubikerova p.212-215

The Fate of Refugees during the First World War Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Solov'eva p.216-222

Struggle against Horse Stealing in the Yenisei Province: Historical and Legal Aspects Leonid Vladimirovich Kuras, Elena Petrovna Mamysheva p.223-226

Russia in the Late Imperial Period: Regional Aspects of Political Modernization Svetlana Valer'evna Darchieva p.227-231

Estate Representation and Absolutism in Russia of the 17th Century in the Formation of the Empire Galina Valer'evna Talina p.231-236

The Mandate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich «On City Deanery» of 1649 Igor' Valentinovich Gurlev p.236-241


History of Irkutsk Eparchy in the Works of Modern Researchers Irina Semenovna Tsyrempilova p.242-248

Modern Mongolian Historiography on the Battles of the Khalkhin Gol Bazar Dogsonovich Tsybenov, Eduard Vladimirovich Batunaev p.248-254


Modern Trends in the Development of Russian-Ukrainian Inter-Social Relations Andrei Petrovich Koshkin, Valerii Veniaminovich Cherdantsev p.255-260

Information War between Turkey and Germany Nataliya Rudol'fovna Krasovskaya, Andrei Anatol'evich Gulyaev, Tat'yana Leonidovna Kashchenko p.261-266

Modern Mongol-Japanese Relations Viktor Borisovich Bazarov p.267-271


The Theatre Year in Russia and the Chekhov Festival Elena Al'bertovna Kudelina p.272-276


The Review of the Monograph by Ya.A. Pljajs «Marxism and Social Revolutions in Russia» Tat'yana Leonidovna Kashchenko p.277-281

New Analytical View of Current Trends in World Politics and International Relations in the Context of the State Identity Politics Realization Natal'ya Alekseevna Frolova p.281-284

Modern Polish-Kazakh Studies of the Statehood of Kazakhstan: on the Issue of Emphasis Valentina Vyacheslavovna Komleva p.284-288


Ideocracy of classics: what history does it create? Petr Iosifovich Simush p.289-297